Proxy Reports:

10060 Connection timed out

The web server specified in your URL could not be contacted.  Please check your URL or try your request again.

This error could have been caused by:

  • Bad / misspelled URL. How am I supposed to know what you're looking for? Idiot.
  • Following an invalid link. Write and complain, I would!
  • Your network connection and/or transient conditions on the Internet. Rubbish isn't it?
  • Load conditions on the web server. What do you expect? Like everywhere else, this place is run by accountants!
  • Oh sod it, I've served up so many crappy boring pages that I just really can't be bothered any more....

Microsoft Proxy Server v2.0

Proxy Server :

Via :

ACHTUNG! Das machine is nicht fur gerfingenpoken und mittengraben. Is easy schnnappen der springenwerk,
blowenfusen und poppencorken mit spizensparken. Is nicht fur gewerken by das dumkopfen und das rubbernecken
sightseeren. Keepen der hands in der pockets, relaxen und watch der blinkenlights.