Class size constitutes a central factor in teachers' workload. Large classes contribute to growing stress and fatigue among teachers. They also increase other work items, such as the correction of homework and preparation/marking, which in turn increase both the intensity of teaching and total working time.

The Union's policy on class sizes is set out below:

  1. a maximum class size of 20 in respect of nursery classes which should be staffed on the basis of 2 adults (one qualified teacher and one nursery nurse) per 20 children;
  2. a maximum class size of 27 in classes consisting wholly or partly of children in their first year of infant education;
  3. a maximum class size of 20 in practical groups including GCSE and other classes which involve teacher assessment of pupils;
  4. staffing ratios in special schools as recommended in DFE Circular 11/90;
  5. a maximum class size of 13 in respect of remedial groups;
  6. a maximum class size of 24 in respect of classes of mixed age range;
  7. staffing establishments in relation to sixth forms to be such as to ensure a pupil/teacher ratio of no worse than 10:1; and
  8. a maximum class size of 30 in all other timetabled classes (ie other than those listed above).

If classes exceed these sizes in your school and you want support in dealing with this, contact the NUT Office. If attempts to negotiate improvements fail, the Union is willing to consider action.