All schools have to have a set of written disciplinary procedures. These set out levels of disciplinary action up to dismissal, who can take them, rights of appeal and procedures to be followed. They are contained in your school or service's Conditions of Service Manual. The first two levels of action can be taken by the Headteacher. In LMS schools, more advanced stages of the disciplinary procedure and all appeals are dealt with by the Governing Body. In non-LMS schools and services these stages pass to the LEA.

Teachers cannot be disciplined without being given formal notice of a hearing, including the information that they have the right to be represented or accompanied by a friend or union representative. Teachers sometimes are unsure whether they have been given a disciplinary warning. If they have been given a valid one, it must be in writing; it must state the level of warning; and it must state the length of time that it remains on the teacher's record.

It is very important that members seek Union advice if they are given notice of disciplinary action or are invited to an interview following an allegation or complaint about their conduct. It is an area in which we have a lot of expertise.