Legal Responsibility

Organising a Journey

Outdoor activity centres

Safety on School Transport

Further Guidance

Action points and checklists

Specimen letters

This briefing note considers some of the key issues to be considered when planning and undertaking school journeys, in particular: legal responsibility of teachers for the safety of pupils; practical steps to be taken when organising journeys; and particular legal requirements relating to use of outdoor activity centres and school transport.

The legal liability of an individual teacher or head teacher for an injury sustained by a pupil on a school journey will depend on whether or not the injury is a direct result of some negligence or failure on the part of the teacher or head teacher to fulfil their duty of care to the pupil. There is no legal liability for any injury sustained by pupils unless there is proven negligence by the teacher.

The standard of care required of a teacher is that which from an objective point of view can reasonably be expected from teachers generally applying skill and awareness of children's problems, needs and susceptibilities. The law expects that a teacher will do that which a parent with care and concern for the safety and welfare of his or her own child would do, bearing in mind that being responsible for up to twenty pupils can be very different from looking after a family. The legal duty of care expected of an individual teacher is, therefore, that which a caring teaching profession would in any case expect of itself.

This means in practice that a teacher must:

This does not imply constant twenty-four hour direct supervision. The need for direct supervision has to be judged by reference to the risks involved in the activity being undertaken.

Instructions given to pupils cannot be regarded always as enough. The possibility that there may be challenging behaviour has to be taken into account, together with the risk the pupils may encounter if they disobey instructions, but equally pupils must be given a latitude consistent with their ages and levels of personal responsibility.

Employers have "vicarious liability" for the negligence of their employees at work. This means broadly that the employer takes responsibility if employees do not fulfil their safety obligations at work properly. Where a legal claim is made following an accident, and there is a suggestion of negligence on the part of the teacher, any claim will be likely to be directed against the teacher's employer rather than against the individual teacher.

Organising a Journey

Teachers should not be expected to start from square one without assistance and advice when asked to organise a school journey. Most LEAs have now issued general guidance on this area to be applied to the particular circumstances of the planned journey or visit.

The DfEE has also issued detailed guidance in its document, "Health and Safety of Pupils on Educational Visits". This sets out guidance applicable to the organisation of all school journeys. The DfEE emphasises, however, that teachers should ensure that they always comply with any LEA or school guidelines when organising school journeys.

The DfEE guidance covers the legal responsibilities of those organising visits and contains guidance on the various stages of planning visits, staffing and supervision ratios, preparation of pupils, special considerations for particular categories of pupils, transport and insurance matters, emergency procedures, and special considerations when planning trips abroad. It also includes a series of model forms for use at all stages of organising a trip.

The following points are put forward by the NUT for consideration by teachers organising school journeys and identify some areas where the NUT believes that the DfEE guidance, and some LEAs' guidance, do not go far enough in their terms.

The Planning Process

Staffing and Supervision

The above can all be verified by visiting the DfES guidance at the link below:-

Health and safety of pupils on educational visits



Safety and Emergencies

Safety at Outdoor Activity Centres

The Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 1996 require that persons offering certain adventure activities on a commercial basis to young people under the age of 18 must have a licence to do so. The regulations cover LEA run centres but do not, however, cover non-commercial centres or schools offering activities to their own pupils.

Schools which use activity centres run either by commercial bodies or by the LEA should check that centres offering the following activities have an up-to-date licence as required by the regulations:

A number of activities which the Union views as hazardous do not, however, require a licence, such as sub-aqua, bungee jumping, hang gliding, parascending and archery.

The licensing authority, Tourism Quality Services Ltd, must ensure before granting a license that:

The licensing authority keeps a register of licences, including the names of licenced centres and the activities for which they are licensed. Remember that licences do not have to be held for all dangerous activities, just those described in the regulations, and some activity centres will offer a mixture of activities of which only some fall within the licensing scheme. Centres are obliged, however, to describe in their publicity material exactly which adventure activities are covered by their licence and which are not.

The NUT advises schools to consult the licence register before making any bookings. Tourism Quality Services can be contacted at 24 Lambourne Terrace, Llanishen, Cardiff CF4 5ZJ (Tel: 01222 755715).

The NUT advises that LEA-maintained schools should seek the advice of the LEA before booking places at an activity centre offering activities that are not part of the licensing scheme. Grant-maintained and independent schools will need to seek other appropriate external advice.

All schools organising visits to activity centres should, nevertheless, satisfy themselves that the activities offered, the type of instruction, the level of supervision and any prevailing conditions on the day an activity is scheduled to take place are suitable for their own particular group of children before embarking on any hazardous pursuits.

Safety on School Transport

There have been significant recent changes to legal rules affecting school transport, in particular affecting seatbelt requirements for minibuses and coaches and licensing requirements for minibus drivers. Full details of these can be found in the NUT's leaflet, Safety on School Minibuses@.

Further Guidance

NUT Leaflets: Safety on School Minibuses, Safety on School Journeys, Safety in School Swimming (available from NUT Regional/Wales Offices)

DfEE Guidance Document, Health and Safety for Pupils on Educational Visits - a Good Practice Guide (December 1998), available free of charge from DfEE Publications Centre, PO Box 5050, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6ZQ tel 0845 6022260 fax 0845 6033360) or from

Action Points for Safety Reps

Make sure that:

Checklist for School Journeys

The following considerations should be borne in mind in making possible the full discharge of teacher responsibility:
  1. Is the teacher familiar with the areas into which the pupils are being taken?
  2. Has the journey been thoroughly organised and prepared, including such items as clothing, food and rest?
  3. Is there a complete programme of supervision?
  4. Have the parents been given full details of the journey?
  5. Have parents given consent and provided relevant medical history?
  6. Is there a high standard of discipline at all times?
  7. Is there an adequate staff-pupil ratio?
  8. Is there at least one first aider with each group?
  9. Are first aid materials readily available at all times?
  10. Are all emergency procedures fully understood and practised, e.g., fire drill?
  11. Is insurance cover appropriate and adequate - including teachers= insurance for vehicles when conveying pupils?
  12. When travelling abroad in an EU country, are staff aware of the reciprocal health insurance arrangements? (See Form E/111c/28 available from the DSS)
  13. When a tour operator is involved, it is strongly recommended that the tour operator should be a member of the Association of British Travel Agents and that care is taken to see that all arrangements entered into are honoured.

Specimen Information to Parents

Dear Parent

It is hoped to include your child in the school party proceeding to ...................................... on .................................................... and he or she may have the opportunity to participate in the following activities:




There will be ................... boys and .................... girls in the party together with ......................... members of staff. The teacher in charge will be ....................................

In your child's interest it is important that you should sign the attached Agreement Form and declare any known medical condition from which your child may be suffering with an indication of any medication that he or she may be receiving.

Yours sincerely


Specimen Parental Agreement Form

My son/daughter is in good health and I consider him/her capable of taking any part in the activities as detailed in a letter dated ............................................

In the event of illness or an accident, I consent to necessary medical treatment which might include the use of anaesthetics.

I agree to my son/daughter taking part in the school activity as detailed in a letter dated .....................................

Signed ................................................................ Dated ...........................................

Address and Telephone Number

Please complete and return to the Head teacher, together with any relevant information concerning your child's health. Please declare any known medical condition and any medication which he/she is receiving.
