23rd JANUARY, 2007.

Apologies: Kulwant Singh, Chris Cheetham, Azar Iqbal, Elvira Suess.

Minutes: Agreed the minutes of the 2006 AGM as a true record.

Matters Arising:

Kashmir earthquake victims we have given various donations and sent computers to a school in the area.

Correspondence :

No item highlighted.

Annual Report and Balance Sheet:

Ian introduced his report. He noted the improvements in our website and invited members to use it. Report accepted.

John pointed out the £7,000 increase in our balance since last year. He highlighted the spending on the stairlift and mentioned its repeated use. The estimated expenditure for 2007 includes the likely purchase of a photocopier. The 2007 budget was endorsed. List of equipment to be written off noted.

Unanimously decided to reduce the local subscription from 20% of the national subscription to 18%.

Installation of new President

Dennis White, the outgoing President, installed Alex Leggat as the new President. Other elected officers are, Ian Murch, Jane Rendle, John Howarth, Miriam Murch, Stuart Davies, Saleh Rehman.

Election Results -

Other elected officers are, Ian Murch, Jane Rendle, John Howarth, Miriam Murch, Stuart Davies, Saleh Rehman.

Conference delegates: We’re entitled to 12 but 13 people have been nominated plus 2 who are going as observers. Decided to request that 2 of the 13 share the conference, ½ as delegate and ½ as observer.

President’s Address:

Highlighted the NUTs support of a genuine comprehensive system and forecast a battling year for Bradford this year countering academy and trust school initiatives.


Pensions: Ian outlined the two schemes, one for teachers who started after 1/1/07 with better terms, apart for the later retirement age of 65.

The other scheme also has some changes:-

  1. The possibility of electing a partner to build a pension for them on your death.
  2. The salary used to calculate pension can now go back over the final 10 years, uprated for inflation.
  3. It is possible to draw pension once your over 55 and continue to work with a reduced salary by going part time or shedding responsibilities.
  4. Lump sum/pension balance now has some flexibility.
  5. Breaks of more than 5 years mean you rejoin the new pension scheme.
  6. There is now a two tier ill health pension scheme depending on degree of disability.

Overworked? School NUT Reps have just been sent a copy of the workload guidelines with suggestions on how to achive workload reductions in each school and how to move to action if there is no cooperation. Stats show working hours have not reduced without this.

It was suggested that we survey schools for good practice.

League Table Gloom? : We always do better at GCSE than at KS2. This was from the length of time it takes for pupils with English as a second language to become proficient in English.

The main problem is the failure to fund the schools properly. The gap is widening between funding in Bradford and in our “statistical neighbours”.

Academies and Trust Schools : Rhodesway After special measures lifted immediately moves to re-instate Governing Body. They drafted a letter…….didn’t think appropriate for Rhodesway to be privatised. Petition in same ilk. Lib Dem, David Ward, motion on these lines to a Council meeting tonight.

Muslim Academy : A group is trying to set up an Islamic School, on the lines of a 1950’s grammar school.

Prioritisation ofConference Motions

60, 26, 5, 36, 38, 64, 74, 77, 30.

Against 3, 9, 0, ?, 0, ?, 1, 1, 5.

We prioritised motions 5, 30, 38, 60, 74, 77


Conference Business Committee

We nominated John Illingworth.



Carol Summerill and John Harrison re-elected as auditors. All present elected as scrutineers.

Equal Opportunitites Committee: Carla Mawson add to list.

Bradford Trades Council: Dennis and Ian.

Keighley Trades Council: Stuart, Mo, Ian,

PAC: Saleh replaces Helen.