Apologies Steve Boddy , James Dean, Liz Freeman, John Howarth, Carole Summerill, Irshad Ahmed (late)


Minutes Agreed as a true record.


Matters Arising


Make poverty history – Gleneagles, Edinburgh 2 nd July.

Chris Cheetham, Denis White, Steve Pickles, Mr. Sheikh would like to go.

Agreed to pay for this.


Bradford College Dispute

Howard Miles from NATFE at Bradford College spoke about redundancy attacks not just in Bradford .

In July ’04 told finances health & pay award would be given. In September ’04 told College in deep financial problems stretching back 5 years. Announced pay freeze, redundancies, restructure, increased productivity without negotiation. Sent out letters to 340 staff telling them they were in redundancy pools, including Heads of Departments & Project Managers on Friday before half term. After half term large NATFE meeting voted for a ballot for strike action – 61% turn out 87% yes.

Last week Principle announced only 91 compulsory redundancies needed instead of 123 (rest voluntary). Action not suspended, despite what an official said. Need to take action in next 2-3 weeks (then wind down for the summer).

ABLE course and others under threat. Adult education and HE.


Agreed £200 donation in the first instance circulate petition to schools.




PPA explained. Generally there is enough in Primary budgets for teachers to teach the PPA time. We have organised 3 meetings.


Pay – TLRs – Schools need to review their teaching and non-teaching structure. A toolkit is being drawn up about this. Ian explained the legislation framework.


Pensions – Ian explained that the ballot was pulled when the Government conceded they would have talks including the normal retirement age of 60. NUT called off their ballot when the other Unions had done the same. A pensions summit has now taken place. Agreed further talks after the election.

We will be questioning candidates about their support.


Conference – Denis thought it was really good. John and Ian spoke and Stuart nearly did. Action rule changed to 50% + 1 of people who vote.






Oldham petition about deportation of a Zimbabwean teacher.





Racist incidents – 2 serious ones recently. Coming from BNP leafletting.

1 attack inside school.

20 youths.


