Apologies Steve Boddy , Vernon Addison, Chris Cheetham, Denis White.


Minutes Agreed as a true record.


Matters Arising


Management Allowances

Ian reported on the Government’s proposals to replace the present system of Management Allowances with Teaching and Learning Responsibility Points. There was a discussion about the damaging effects on teachers who lose their allowance and who do not receive a TLR. The criteria for TLR are restrictive and many jobs which at present carry an allowance will not qualify. eement.

A motion, proposed my I Murch and seconded by S Davies, condemned the Government’s proposals and the leadership of the other teacher unions for agreeing to them. The motion also committed the Association to:

publicising our opposition to the proposals;

encouraging school groups to discuss their response;

making our views known to the local reps of other teaching unions;

calling on the National Executive to step up its campaign against the Government’s pay and pensions proposals;

calling on the National Union to prepare a ballot of members for strike action in the spring term, in conjunction with the PCS and other unions if possible, focusing on both pay and pensions.



The Government is proposing to end all permanent salary safeguarding. Safeguarding would only apply for three years. Salaries affected by future reorganisation, lost management allowances and SPA allowances would all be included. There was agreement that other teacher unions’ position on this proposal is indefensible.


Pensions – John reported on proposed changes to pension scheme and illustrated his talk with a Powerpoint presentation.

Discussed plans for lobby of parliament on November 16 th.

James Dean volunteered to take part in lobby.



Several members reported back on the current position in their schools. Some schools are introducing cover supervisers in a systematic way while the approach in others seems more ad hoc.

Agreed that we oppose the use of unqualified staff and that we need to be vigilant in ensuring that teachers are actually doing less cover.



Agreed to donate £100 to the Beslan Appeal.



James Dean reported on the European Social Forum which he attended on behalf of the Union .

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