Apologies Jim Cartwright, Vernon Addison, Chris Cheetham, Denis White.


Minutes Agreed as a true record.


Matters Arising


Racism and Schools – BNP councillors not on any education bodies.

Bradford looking at possibility of organising an anti-racist meeting.


Pensions – Ian reported on proposed changes to pension scheme. Suggested approaching Chris Leslie MP as his is a vulnerable seat and an election is approaching.

Links with other workers important.

Agreed to organise something on November 5 th to support PCS. Motion calling for action over pensions and backing PCS on November 5 th passed unanimously.


Nomination for Deputy General Secretary – Jane Rendle nominated Christine Blower. Stuart Davies seconded. Passed unanimously.

Agreed to invite Christine Blower and John Bangs to a future meeting. Agreed to donate £500 to Christine’s campaign.


Conference Motions – Salaries, Pensions. Both passed unanimously.


Cover Supervisors and HLTAs – Discussed difficulties facing union in opposing this. Need to be vigilant that cover is actually reduced by cover supervisors if they are used.

Although NUT opposes their use we must gain best possible results for members.


Special School Reorganisation – Possibly under threat because linked to Building Schools for the Future which is experiencing delays.


Pay Issues – Threat to Social Priority and other Allowances. Government may take them away from those who still have them.




1. Conference on Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children. 8/11/04 in Derby . Deane Narayn-Lee, Helen Chapman, Ian Murch, Jane Rendle, volunteered to go.


2. Schools Out. Agreed to continue to subscribe.


3. National Pensioners’ Convention. Agreed to continue to subscribe.


4. Volunteers requested to attend Pride in Education Conference.




James Dean to attend European Social Forum in London on 15 – 17 October 2004 and report back.

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