
Dorothy Kelly, Denise Wallace, Rupert Cooke, Steve Goodfellow, Eileen Narey

Minutes of last AGM:

Accepted as a true record

Matter Arising:



Re-affiliation to Bradford Trades Council - AgreedRe-affiliation to Keighley Trades Council -AgreedRetirement of S. Macintosh - Agreed to invite to next function and authorised to purchase an appropriate gift in recognition of service to the Union.It was agreed to return to Correspondence later in the meeting.

Annual Report and Balance Sheet:

These were circulated, and questions answered, and the reports accepted by the meeting. It was agreed that item 12 on the agenda be now considered.Proposed: J. Howarth, Seconded I. Murch "That the local subscription for 2001 be set at 22% of the national subscription".
Largely Carried.

Installation of New President:

Dennis Farrell was installed as the new President and thanked Irshad Ahmed for his hard work over the past year. He commented that in this year with the threat of PRP, members would need the protection of the NUT like never before.

Declaration of Election Results:

The Officers remain the same with the exception of Sue Arloff who had resigned as Equal Opportunities Officer and who was replaced by Eileen Narey.and there was no need for an election to Annual Conference as the number of nominations corresponded to the number of delegates.

Prioritisation of Annual Conference Motions:

The following motions were proposed for the consideration of the meeting - 9, 10, 15, 23, 32, 38, 53, 56, 57, 59. After due consideration, the meeting agreed to prioritise Motions 10, 15, 23, 38, 53 and 59.


Conference Business Committee:

Agreed to nominate Gill Goodswen, Kirklees NUT


Dorothy Kelly, Green Lane Primary, Steve Harrison, Hanson Upper - Agreed


John Howarth, Eileen Narey, Helen Chapman, Ian Murch, Miriam Murch, Chris Cheetham, Vernon Addison, Sue Arloff, Jeremy Gibbon


Agreed to re-elect existing delegates


Agreed that Officers would be representatives according to issues under discussion.

Trades Councils:

Bradford - Joyce Baruch, Ian Murch, Paul Grist


School Re-organisation - An update on the measures being taken to find posts for unplaced teachers was given. Problems with the building programme were highlighted. The latest news on the training being provided to support the Re-organisation was given.

Further Correspondence:

Request from TBF for special Year 2000 donation . Agreed that £200 be donated this year in addition to our covenanted normal donation of £550.

Purchase of Equipment

It was Agreed that the Officers be authorised to purchase 2 additional computers during the year at a cost of up to £2,000 in total.


It was Agreed to support the STOPP demonstration in London on 12th February by supporting attendance of Bradford Association members and families through payment of travel costs. Officers to explore the most appropriate means of transport.

The meeting became inquorate at 6.30 pm

LEA Budget:

A report was given on the LEA Education Budget plans.


a report was given on the latest news about the Government's intentions on PRP. Pay Review Body due to report on the 31st January.


A report was given on the difficulties facing EMAG teachers in being placed under the new funding regime.

Top Management Structure:

A report was given on the dangers implicit in the new structure both for delivery of services and for future threats to no compulsory redundancy.

Ofsted Inspection of the LEA

A report was given on the upcoming inspection and the Union's prospective meeting with the lead Inspector.

Meeting closed at 7.00pm