Meeting opened quorate at 5.00pm


Miriam Murch, Helen Chapman, Jane Moon, Mrs. Sodha


Accepted as a true record.

Mattters Arising



Hazards Campaign

£20 donation agreed.


Ian reported growth every year for last 9 years.

Annual Report and Balance Sheet

Ian presented the Annual Report.

John presented the budget for 2001 and the projection for 2002. The meeting received the balance sheet and thanked John for his work over the year. It was agreed to reduce the local sub to 20% next year unless head office reduced our grant meanwhile.

Installation of new President

Steve Boddy, NUT Representative at Oakbank and Health and Safety Representative in Keighley, was installed as the new President.

Election results

Jane Moon was elected as Equal Ops Officer.
Deane Naryan-Lee has agreed to be Vice President.
Other officers were elected unopposed.

Ian also reported the results of the NEC elections. He and Hazel Danson of Kirklees were returned unopposed. Ian welcomed Hazel to the meeting.


Shiela Guise and Denise Innes reported on their work in the Improving Behaviour and Attendance (IBA) team, which is active in 17 schools.

They explained that they negotiate with schools about structures and strategies to support pupils.
This may involve whole school approaches to, e.g., bullying, the inclusion agenda and vulnerable groups, etc. Staff support and well being are also raised with management. Distressed children need relationships with adults that counteract feelings of lack of trust and vulnerability. These relationships take consider emotional energy from staff and to be able to keep that momentum going means teachers must take care of themselves.

We have permission from the DfES to guard our health and well being. The latest white paper talks of valuing and supporting teachers. Similarly the National Healthy Schools Standard, which promotes children's mental health, has as a key characteristics a culture of trust and integrity - teachers have to be valued.
Teacher well being is at the heart of the IBA team's work with schools. They likened teachers to camels drinking at the wells of well being in the holidays and hoping that this will last them through the desert of term time. Circle time is one way in which a more consistent approach to teacher well being is addressed in some schools.

Prioritisation of Motions for Annual Conference

Motions 1,5,18,39,50,53 were prioritised.


Auditors: Steve Harrison and Dot Kelly.

Scrutineers: Helen Chapman, Jeremy Gibbon, Joyce Baruch, Sab Dehl, John Howarth and Jane Rendle.

Equal Opportunities Committee: Paul Grist and all previous members.

Membership: Ian, John, Jane and Stuart.

Delegates to Trades Council (Bradford): Joyce Baruch, Jane Rendle, Paul Grist, Ian Murch, Denis White.

Delegates to Trades Council (Keighley): Steve Boddy

P.A.C.: Helen Chapman, Jeremy Gibbon, John Howarth, Vernon Addison, Ian Murch and Jane Rendle.

Reports cont.

The New Contract for Teachers

There is pressure to reach a new contract from both Unions and the government, so it may well happen. However it is a complicated issue and it is important it is got right. Government also wants the Review Body to look at how CPD can be organised out of school time.
The government does not seem to be grasping the causes of teacher workload problems or of initiatives paid for with "funny money" which it expects will continue when the funding ceases.

The Eid Holiday

Officers to negotiate for 2 days each Eid.

Message of support to Arriva workers and NUJ members at T & A 25/1 and 31/1.

Meeting closed 7.05pm.