Chair - Stuart Davies, welcomed:-

John - Welcome to Indian Teachers brought into UK by "Teaching Personnel"


Helen Chapman, Dennis Farrell, Jenny Taylor, Steve Pickles, Steve Boddy, Vernon Addison(late).


Accepted as a true record.

Mattters Arising:


Phil Grayston - talked on Social Awareness for Education (Nepal)

Moved and seconded to donate £500 to SAFE
Jeremy Gibbon and Irshad Ahmed


Affiliation to Cuba Solidarity Campaign.
Moved Stuart Davies Seconded Deane Narayn Lee
Re affiliation £30.

Hazards Conference, sponsor it, £50 Moved Stuart Davies Seconded ????

Annual Report

Ian presented the Annual Report. Thanks to Frank Robinson retired from Teacher Support Network. Agreed to buy him a gift to present to him. Agreed to accept Annual report.


John presented the budget for 2003 . Proposed and Seconded. Agreed.

Local Subscription for 2004

To reduce it from 22% to 20% of net subscription if in May this seems provident? Agreed.

Installation of new President

Deane Made his inaugural speech. Age profile of active members at moment is rather high - need to involve more younger teachers.

Officers Introduced

Appeal for people to go on Committee.

Prioritisation of Motions for Annual Conference:

Ian suggested 2, Workload; 5, Remodelling; 33, Privatisation, 46, Racism; 58, Support for Local Officers & School Reps.

Proposed Ian Murch Seconded Kev Greene. Agreed.


Christine Blower for CBC. Proposed Ian Murch. Seconded Jane Rendle. Agreed.

Auditors: Steve Harrison and Dot Kelly. Proposed Jeremy Gibbon. Seconded Jane Rendle. Agreed.

Scrutineers: Ian Murch, Deane Narayn Lee, John Howarth, Jeremy Gibbon, Stuart Davies, Kev Green, Paul Grist, Irshad Ahmed, Mo Owen, Jane Rendle.

Equal Opportunities Committee: Jane Rendle, Irshad Ahmed, Paul Grist Jeremy Gibbon.

Membership Sub Committee: Paul + Officers.

Delegates to Trades Council (Bradford): Ian Murch, Jane Rendle, Paul Grist, Denis White(Rhodesway), Joyce Baruch.

Delegates to Trades Council (Keighley): Steve Boddy, Ian Murch, Stuart Davies.

P.A.C.: Jane Rendle, Stuart Davies, Ian Murch, Jeremy Gibbon, Helen Chapman, John Howarth.


Indian Teachers' Plight.

To write to all Heads asking if they can place one of the Indian teachers. Also Hazel will do some in Kirklees. Get Council's Director of Education to also write to heads re same. All present at meeting to approach person wh engages supply teachers at their own schools.

NUJ in Bradford stage strikes.

Donation to strike fund £500. Proposed: Ian Murch, Seconded Jeremy Gibbob. Agreed.

Anti-War Demonstration, Feb 15th

Financial support for people going on it, on request (eg.book coach) up to a limit of £500. Proposed Jeremy Gibbon Seconded Stuart Davies. Agreed. Affiliate to Stop the War Coalition. Moved Paul Grist Seconded Jane Rendle. Agreed.


SATs Boycott - KS1 & 2 Canvass members for views.

PFI - Publicise reasons why it's a bad thing.

Special Schools Review - Meeting of Special School Reps to be held.

Teaching Assistants - Nut stance explained.

John Illingworth General Secretary Campaign - Donate £250 Proposed Ian Murch Seconded Irshad Ahmed. Agreed.

Meeting closed at 18.52pm.