Meeting opened at 5.05, inquorate. Quorate as a Committee. Deane handed over Presidency to Chris.

Apologies: Helen Chapman, Ruth Anderson, Jim Cartwright .

Minutes: Accepted as a true record.

Matters Arising: Local subscription was reduced to 20% of national.

Correspondence :

Anti-Racist conference on Saturday 14 th February at Hamilton House. 25 th anniversary of death of Blair Peach. Chris, Dennis and Lee will go.

Annual Report:

General Secretary’s report – approved unanimously.

Agreed to contact Phil Grayston re continuing support for Nepal project.



Officers – elected unopposed.

Installation of new President

Chris mentioned his support for the Union ’s campaigns over many years and that he was happy to be President this year.

Prioritisation of Motions for Annual Conference:

2,10,30,44,46 were carried.

A uditors: Steve Harrison and Dot Kelly agreed.

Scrutineers: Ian Murch , Liz Freeman, John Howarth, Stuart Davies, Vernon Addison, Irshad Ahmed, Miriam Murch, Jane Rendle, Steve Boddy and P

Equal Opportunities Committee: Jeremy Gibbon, Irshad Ahmed, Jenny Taylor, Vernon Addison, Jane Rendle..

Membership Sub Committee: The Officers.

Delegates to Trades Council (Bradford): Ian Murch , Denis White.

Delegates to Trades Council (Keighley): Steve Boddy, Ian Murch , Stuart Davies.

P.A.C.: Helen Chapman, Vernon Addison, Jeremy Gibbon, Stuart Davies,John Howarth and Jane Rendle.

Ian Spoke about Dennis Farrell’s retirement. Decided to arrange a retirement present.


Teachers Pay Under Attack :- Pay freeze to September 2006.

Rate of inflation.

Management allowances under threat, particularly pastoral ones. They expect to save £5m in first year from this, the £25m in next year (30r4% of management posts)

Upper Pay Spine :- cut off at UPS3 – now before STRB with Excellence Points for perhaps 20% above that.

Workload and Workforce reform :- School cover supervisors – advice has gone into schools negotiated with the other unions, not NUT. Can take primary classes for 3 days and Secondary classes for longer than this. Oldham school is balloting not to do cover.

Pensions :- To a future meeting.

Threats to EMAG funding :- Bradford set to lose £3m over the two years 2005/07.

SATs :- Need to work with parents.


Meeting closed at 18.50pm .

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