16th MAY 2000.

Presentation to Sue MacIntosh

Sue expressed her thanks for the gift which was presented to her.

Performance Related Pay

Union is opposed to PRP and to the fact that the £2,000 will not be given to everyone.

Mike Chapman

Mike Chapman of Cambridge Education Associates gave advice on threshold application.
"Reality of evidence base will be Bradford Specific".
Use data which exists (benchmark data) YELLIS, APS, BIPS, PANDA. Where doesn't exist other evidence required.
Evidence base must be broadly representative of your practice.
If they meet standards, could expect 100% of applicants to go through.
Assessor reads all applications and picks sample (not significant who is in sample).
Use form as signpost to point to where the evidence is.
Evidence base that is provided in the evidence base of the circumstances the applicant is working in.
Expected to provide evidence from current year, can't not do.
Wouldn't be penalised for not doing 2 years previous to this.
Have to show appropriate progress for each individual pupil (against PANDA) whilst they are with you.
Not year-on-year improvement.
"Not yet mets" - not first time head/line manager has had this conversation with them.
No names go to Governors, not to make assumptions about whether have/have not crossed.
"People might, for totally legitimate reasons, decide not to apply, e.g. because they don't want to be obliged to go for an objective set incremental rise thereafter".
Collaborative work is permitted as evidence.
Dfee.gov.uk/teachingreforms is website for information.

Motion on PRP

"This Association believes that the NUT should continue to campaign with the utmost vigour for a pay rise of £2,000 for all teachers, and against the Government's divisive and educationally damaging proposals for Performance Related Pay and Performance Management.
This Association regards as unacceptable the comments in the media from the General Secretary that he does not intend to implement all of the decisions of Annual Conference in respect of the campaign against Performance Related Pay and Performance Management.This Association calls on the Executive to ensure that the decision of Conference is carried out, and that the Union conducts its ballots on the forms of action decided upon by Conference with a firm recommendation for a "Yes" vote.It further calls on the Union to specifically develop a campaign against the Government's Performance Management proposals.This Association agrees to donate £350 to School Teachers Opposed to Performance Pay, to support the organisation in its continued campaigning."
Carried with 0 against and 1 abstention


Chief Executive has been interviewing companies with a view to privatising delivery of Education Services.
Decision about education to be made by Partnership Education Board.
Expect coalition of conservatives and Lib Dems.

Motion on Privatisation

"This Association is opposed to the putting out to tender of Bradford Council's education services. It is also opposed to the replacement of the Council as a responsible body for education by a Partnership Education Board.
It welcomes the unanimous decision of the NUT Conference to oppose such proposals and protect members from the consequences. It welcomes the decision of UNISON to set up a campaigning organisation to resist the proposals, and agrees to work with UNISON in broadening this campaign to other unions and organisations. It believes that this is a development of great national significance, and asks the National Union for its full support in trying to get it halted."
Carried unanimously.


Felicia Daniel, mother of Donna Daniel

"This Association will
Carried unanimously.
An exit collection was taken which raised £42.36.


Council's Scrutiny Committee for EducationHealth & Safety Working Group


Report given on progress so far. Unlikely to have any movement until politicians in post (23rd May). Bradford Asian Governors have a meeting this Saturday and should have information.

Motion on EMTAG Staff in Closing Schools

"This Association is appalled at the continuing discriminatory treatment of EMTAG staff in closing schools. It recognises that the failure to guarantee them security of employment would signal the end of the Council's commitment to "no compulsory redundancy" which has lasted for generations, and would threaten all staff in future.
It resolves to approach the Action Committee for a national deputation and for support for industrial action in defence of their jobs and of the security of all staff if the new Council does not act quickly to ensure the placement of all EMTAG staff."
Carried unanimously.

Lynne Thornton's Pay Increase

2 Parts:
  1. Pay size of increase Local Authority Staff have had.
  2. Invite someone from UNISON to grade her post. We would then pay what UNISON recommended (with no reduction in pay).


2 computers to be written off - parts to be given to those who request (eg nursery teachers).
