Not quorate for General Meeting -19 present. Committee Meeting opened.

Apologies: Kev Greene, Liz Freeman.

Minutes: Agreed as a true record.

Matters Arising:

PFI bid - Numerous schools in Bradford to be affected by proposals - Capital given in return for contract (over 25 years) to provide facilities management. £200 million. Contract would be for companies to manage & lease back to council. Union to provide info so that the right decisions can be made by Governing bodies. File on 4 BBC radio 8pm.


Teaching Assistants

- Government proposals, responding to STRB report. List of 25 things teachers not to be required to do - writing minutes, display, processing exam results etc. How will they be done? Limits on cover to be 38 hours/yr. Who will cover? Support assistants. Planning preparations & assessment. Teachers will get time (equal 10% of teachers teaching time, but the time itself may be outside the pupil day and not reduce actual teaching!) to do PPA for other staff to deliver to classes. Need 20,000 people to recruit for high level teaching assistants on NVQ4, at much less costs than teachers. Pathfinder schools doing trials due to report on how well it works soon.

6 Term Year

- Explanation given on proposals.


- "That Bradford NUT support John Illingworth's campaign to become General Secretary." Likely candidates to take over from Doug McAvoy discussed. Motion carried nem con.


- John requested permission to spend £450 on a collapsible placard advertising NUT for use at Recruitment events. Agreed.

Pay & Performance Management

- Working of united approach in Bradford schools.

Conference '03

- Proposed New Arrangements explained. Some comments to be sent from the branch by Ian Murch.

Firefighters Dispute

- All school managements should review their risk assessments taking consideration the fact that fire fighters may not be available.

Agreed:- extend our support to local branch of FBU and ask what we can do to help.


Iraq - National Executive is against a war without the support of the UN.

Meeting closed at 6.50pm.