President's welcome.


Helen Chapman, Irshad Ahmad, S. Ayyaz, Dr. Shabir, Hazel Danson.

Officers Introductions

Minutes of Last Meeting

Agreed as true record.

Matters Arising



National Disciplinary Committee & National Appeals Committee - John Howarth and Howard Roberts. Agreed.

Conference Motions

Salary Claim 2001
Conference Democracy
Action Plan for Primary Education
Agreed all 4 go forward for Conference.


School Reorganisation

Buildings - 232 separate buildings schemes managed by Bovis. Also Cof E Diocese.
Temporary Accommodation - Discussion of general problems
Temporarily placed Teacehrs inc. EMTAG - 183 people temporarily placed.

Performance Management

National Union advice gone to Reps.
Local advice to go out soon.
Heads take draft policy to Governing Body by November.
Consultation should take place eg. Union Reps.
Should meet with a senior manager.
At later point a document should go to wide staff.

Threshold Assessment

Explanation of High Court Judgement.

Privatisation of LEA

Campaigning to try to stop privatisation, with UNISON Oct 5th meeting at Priestley Centre. Motion brought by Jenny Taylor and Jill Wallis was covered by actions already taken up by the Union.

Purchase of Digital Camera

Agreed to buy a camera £300 - £360 region.


NUT Conference on Privatisation 2 people to send. Agreed.
New Local Government Network Conference Agreed to send someone (John Howarth)
Phil Grayston - in Katmandu, appealing for funds to support an educational project. £200 agreed.
Campaign to Clear Marge Evans - Ian Murch to respond by letter.
STOPP - Meeting to campaign against PRP. Saturday, seeking someone to go.
Equal Opps Conference - Saturday 4th November at Hamilton House. Jenny Taylor to go plus one other. Agreed.
Affiliation to Cuba Solidarity Campaign - Reaffiliate - Agreed.
Affiliation to Amnesty Internations - Agreed.


Motion - Suspension of standing orders to discuss - Unanimous.
Model Motion - Join the protests 'Brighton and Prague 2000'

Moved - Paul Grist
Seconder - Jenny Taylor.
It was asked if this was the same Campaign to repeal 3rd world debt as Jubilee 2000. Assuming it was, it was agreed to donate £100.

Kingsland School

NUT Rep, Head of Maths, After an OFSTED inspection the school put him in capability procedures. Black teacher and activist. Teachers went on strike. Ian Murch to write to Union saying the members involved should not be disciplined.