March 1999 - Newsletter No.2


Placement Procedure Could Leave Many Casualties

We have continued to make strenuous efforts to get more posts created, and to get more of them to be promoted ones, and to some degree we have succeeded. Nevertheless there are not enough posts in the placement procedure to get everyone placed at their own level, or even to get everyone placed at all.

Only 969 posts have been created. 1046 people on permanent contracts need to be placed. There is the money in the system for 2000 and 2001 to create many more posts than this, but a combination of garbled messages from the LEA and excessive caution from some schools has led to this shortfall. We are continuing to try to address this.

The "asterisk" procedure - the idea of the teacher unions - has resulted in significantly more promoted posts than were originally planned, but there is still quite a large shortfall at 2 and at 3 Responsibility Points. The LEA say that they are willing to have another stab at this, but do not want to do so now until after the first round of the placement process.

Early retirement options will be looked at only after all of the placement forms have been received, and it is possible to form a picture of circumstances in which teachers are not likely to be placed.

We met with the LEA on Wednesday 10th March to take up concerns raised with us by members following the receipt in schools of the vacancies. From this, we can report:


We will do our best to deal with any specific queries you raise with us. Please be patient if you get an engaged tone or the answering machine from the Office. We are almost certain to be dealing with someone else with a Reorganisation-related problem.

Will It Happen This Year?

We still don't know for certain. It depends on how soon the DfEE give their verdict on the proposals, and what that verdict is. We next meet the Director on March 22nd. We are expecting that the present timetable for reorganisation will have to be changed if there has been no response by the time of that meeting

Black Teachers Conference

Saturday 22nd/Sunday 23rd May
Stoke Rochford Hall

This is the NUT's Annual Conference for black members. It's theme this year is `Breaking Through The Steroetypes.' If you would be interested in representing the Bradford Association, please get in touch.

A New General Secretary?

Christine Blower, the candidate supported by Bradford NUT in the forthcoming Elections for the NUT's General Secretary already has the support of more than 50 branches of the Union, and seems set to secure more nominations than Doug McAvoy. Christine, who will campaign strongly against the Government's Performance Related Pay Proposals, has recently written to all local secretaries refuting a ludicrous letter from the present General Secretary who is so desperate that he accuses her of being revolutionary, extremist, under the control of Militant Tendency etc..Christine, last year's President of the NUT, has spoken in Bradford twice, and many of us have met her at Conference. We have every confidence in her and are backing her campaign.