Solution by Erik Futtrup (C) 1991
email: futtrup@daimi.aau.dk

The Train

[Notice what your contact at the station is going to say to make contact to you] Get camera; drop document; take picture of document; again; rewind film; open camera; take color film; open window; throw camera through window; remove carnation; take bag then throw it through window; take document; open door; out; s,w; take towel; turn on water; wet towel; turn off water; drop film and carnation; put document in toilet; e,n,w; clean up blood; e,s,w; put towel in toilet; flush toilet; examine toilet; flush toilet; e,n,w; z [When the inspector enters, answer that you have not seen any suspect person]; z [Until you are at the station]; e,s,w; get all; e,s; wear carnation; [walk north and south until a person says the right excuse]; say "Popka Izim"; give film to [contact person].

The Border

Slow; tear clothes; tie scrap around wound; ne,ne,n,ne,ne; z [until "...occupant of the hut walkes outside"]; open door; in; close door; take all; oil door; wear boots; wear parka; z [until the car starts]; open door; out; ne,ne,se; enter swamp; s,sw,sw; w,n,n,n,nw,w,nw; open door; enter shed; take binoculars; search tools; wear gloves; take cutter; out; n,n; watch light; z [until the right searchlight lights west]; run north; watch guards; e [so that you are in front of the middle tower]; examine fence; z [until guard are more than half away from you]; cut fence with cutter; bend fence; climb through fence; z [until guards are walking away from you]; n; open pen; press button; again; [two minutes should be enough, unless you are a very slow typist, in which case you should press button an extra time]; attach pen to nw post; z [until guards are walking away from you and they are more than half away from you]; close pen; up; climb brace; knock on door; pull leg; [oopzi dazi]; climb ladder; enter tower; [when the two minutes expires, something exciting should happend]

The Assassination

sw; look at windows [notice where the open windows are]; w,n,w; read directory [compare the free rooms with the open windows, and find out where the assassin is (note the room number)]; e,s,s,s,w,s; approach riznik [note password]; w,n,e,e,n; call topaz; topple cart; w; take can; put it under ladder; stand on it; up [until at the right floor]; open window; n; n[door F]; n[door D]; n[door B]; drop matchbook; knock on eastern door; say "[password]"; hide behind door; wait [until Topaz enters]; hit Topaz;(****) The password from (***)

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