Results for BSOC 2019, Black Park, 17/11/2019

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12 noon Added table showing course adjustements.

11am Added links to Winsplits and Splitsbrowser.

10.45am Results updated to correct the times of four competitors (three on B10 and one on G13) due to an incorrect adjustment for the removal of a control from their course. This change results in Lancaster Royal Grammar School now being second in the Boy Year 10 Age Class.

Unfortunately, due to late changes to courses as a result of the delayed departure of Pinewood film set, the loose control descriptions for years 9 to 13 didn't match the course and descriptions on the map. This resulted in much confusion and time wasted looking for some controls. As a consequence, affected control sites have been removed from the courses and the time taken from the previous to next control removed from the elapsed time. Some competitors visited their "next" control more than once and initially the time removed was to their first visit rather than their last. This has now been corrected.

Course adjustments

ClassControls removedTime removed between
G9155, 214, 207146-101
G11164 and 203105-158 and 122-101
G12144 and 207151-118 and 155-101
G13206 and 207111-132 and 155-101
B9111 and 214, 207163-156 and 155-101
B10159 and 203, 207103-136 and 146-101
B13206 and 214163-132 and 122-101

School list and summary of entries
Individual results
Age Class Team results
Whole School Team results

fastest splits
Winsplits Online.

Downloadable file of splits in SPORTIdent file format suitable for import into RouteGadget
CSV (comma separated) or TXT (semi-colon separated).
Downloadable file of splits in SPORTIdent file format suitable for import into WinSplits
CSV (comma separated) or TXT (semi-colon separated).

BSOA Home Page

Any queries, errors, or omissions should in the first instance be addressed to Michael Napier

Results service provided by MERCS.