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Splits for Course W
Length 1.3km, 5m climb, 7 controls

                                    1[31]        2[32]        3[33]        4[34]        5[35]        6[36]        7[37]       Finish
  1   Arthur Mitchell (M10  11:20    0:43(1)      1:49(1)      4:01(1)      5:21(1)      7:20(1)      9:04(1)      9:57(1)     11:20(1)   
      HOC, _W(1), [M10]              0:43(1)      1:06(1)      2:12(1)      1:20(1)      1:59(1)      1:44(1)      0:53(1)      1:23(1)   
  2   Zoe Paget             26:22    1:09(2)      3:36(2)      6:29(2)      8:05(2)     10:15(2)     12:47(2)     24:11(2)     26:22(2)   
      _W(2)                          1:09(2)      2:27(2)      2:53(2)      1:36(2)      2:10(2)      2:32(2)     11:24(2)      2:11(2)   

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