Splits for NOC Summer League, Rushcliffe Country Park, 26/06/2011

Introductory, Long technical, Medium, Short technical
Return to index

Introductory (length 1.7km, 11 controls)

                                           1[31]        2[32]        3[33]        4[34]        5[35]        6[36]        7[37]        8[38]        9[39]       10[40]       11[41]       Finish
  1  Ethan Shepherd               11:07    0:17(1)      1:44(1)      3:00(1)      4:08(1)      5:15(1)      6:23(1)      7:06(1)      8:03(1)      8:34(1)      9:57(1)     10:19(1)     11:07(1)   
     NOC, M10                              0:17(1)      1:27(1)      1:16(1)      1:08(1)      1:07(1)      1:08(1)      0:43(1)      0:57(1)      0:31(1)      1:23(1)      0:22(1)      0:48(1)   
  2  Finlay Lowthian              27:55    0:37(2)      3:42(2)      6:35(2)     12:30(2)     14:19(2)     17:13(2)     18:31(2)     19:52(2)     21:20(2)     26:06(2)     26:45(2)     27:55(2)   
     NOC, M5                               0:37(2)      3:05(2)      2:53(2)      5:55(2)      1:49(2)      2:54(2)      1:18(2)      1:21(2)      1:28(2)      4:46(2)      0:39(2)      1:10(2)   

Courses Introductory, Long technical, Medium, Short technical
Return to Top, index

Long technical (length 5.5km, 16 controls)

                                           1[32]        2[43]        3[44]        4[45]        5[46]        6[47]        7[48]        8[49]        9[50]       10[51]       11[52]       12[53]       13[54]       14[55]       15[56]       16[57]       Finish
  1  Anders Brahn                 33:18    1:21(11)     3:56(8)      5:20(6)      7:42(2)      8:37(2)      9:31(1)     10:11(1)     12:29(1)     13:57(1)     16:26(1)     17:32(1)     19:46(1)     23:16(1)     27:58(1)     29:06(1)     30:28(1)     33:18(1)   
     JONKO, M40                            1:21(11)     2:35(6)      1:24(1=)     2:22(1)      0:55(2)      0:54(1)      0:40(1)      2:18(1)      1:28(1)      2:29(1)      1:06(1)      2:14(1=)     3:30(2)      4:42(2)      1:08(3)      1:22(5=)     2:50(2=)  
  2  Matthew Green                34:15    1:08(2=)     3:35(2)      5:01(2)      7:26(1)      8:19(1)      9:35(2)     10:44(3)     13:07(3)     14:38(3)     17:09(2)     18:19(2)     20:33(2)     24:26(2)     29:04(2)     30:11(2)     31:25(2)     34:15(2)   
     NOC, M18                              1:08(2=)     2:27(2)      1:26(3)      2:25(2=)     0:53(1)      1:16(12)     1:09(24)     2:23(2)      1:31(3)      2:31(2)      1:10(2)      2:14(1=)     3:53(9)      4:38(1)      1:07(1=)     1:14(2)      2:50(2=)  
  3  Ben Beresford                35:36    1:18(8)      3:55(7)      5:19(5)      7:44(3)      8:49(3=)     9:48(3)     10:36(2)     13:01(2)     14:33(2)     17:13(3)     18:29(3)     20:51(3)     24:38(3)     30:20(3)     31:39(3)     32:56(3)     35:36(3)   
     NOC, M16                              1:18(8)      2:37(7)      1:24(1=)     2:25(2=)     1:05(9=)     0:59(2)      0:48(9=)     2:25(3)      1:32(4)      2:40(3)      1:16(4)      2:22(3=)     3:47(5=)     5:42(18=)    1:19(12=)    1:17(3=)     2:40(1)   
  4  Steve Green                  37:39    1:28(17=)    4:15(14)     5:47(12)     8:19(9)      9:28(8)     10:58(8)     11:43(7)     14:25(8)     16:19(7)     19:07(5)     20:29(5)     23:14(6)     27:05(4)     32:00(4)     33:18(4)     34:40(4)     37:39(4)   
     NOC, M55                              1:28(17=)    2:47(13)     1:32(9=)     2:32(5)      1:09(16)     1:30(13)     0:45(4=)     2:42(9=)     1:54(21=)    2:48(4)      1:22(12=)    2:45(21)     3:51(8)      4:55(5)      1:18(10=)    1:22(5=)     2:59(9=)  
  5  Paul Beresford               38:28    1:20(10)     4:11(13)     5:43(11)     8:39(11)     9:45(9)     11:24(11)    12:11(11)    14:57(10)    16:41(9)     19:35(8)     20:58(8)     23:32(8)     27:35(5)     32:39(5)     33:56(5)     35:29(5)     38:28(5)   
     NOC, M40                              1:20(10)     2:51(15=)    1:32(9=)     2:56(17)     1:06(11=)    1:39(16)     0:47(8)      2:46(12)     1:44(10=)    2:54(8=)     1:23(17=)    2:34(12=)    4:03(12)     5:04(8)      1:17(6=)     1:33(8)      2:59(9=)  
  6  William Parkinson            38:32    1:11(5)      3:43(3=)     5:10(3)      7:51(6)      8:51(5)     10:03(4)     12:04(9=)    14:46(9)     17:10(12)    20:11(10)    21:32(10)    24:11(10)    27:55(9)     32:53(6)     34:08(6)     35:42(6)     38:32(6)   
     NOC, M16                              1:11(5)      2:32(4)      1:27(4)      2:41(8)      1:00(5)      1:12(5)      2:01(33)     2:42(9=)     2:24(32)     3:01(14)     1:21(9=)     2:39(16=)    3:44(3)      4:58(6)      1:15(5)      1:34(9=)     2:50(2=)  
  7  Keith Lowthian               39:00    1:15(6)      3:44(5)      5:24(7=)     8:07(7)      9:25(7)     10:38(7)     11:24(6)     14:05(5)     15:54(4)     18:59(4)     20:21(4)     23:12(5)     27:42(8)     33:01(8)     34:24(8)     36:05(8)     39:00(7)   
     NOC, M40                              1:15(6)      2:29(3)      1:40(16=)    2:43(9)      1:18(25=)    1:13(6=)     0:46(7)      2:41(8)      1:49(15=)    3:05(16=)    1:22(12=)    2:51(24=)    4:30(24)     5:19(12)     1:23(17)     1:41(20)     2:55(7)   
  8  Kitty Bray                   39:20    1:08(2=)     3:48(6)      5:24(7=)     8:17(8)      9:22(6)     10:32(6)     11:20(5)     14:09(6)     16:35(8)     19:29(7)     20:50(7)     23:20(7)     27:37(6=)    32:58(7)     34:15(7)     35:53(7)     39:20(8)   
     SN, W21                               1:08(2=)     2:40(9)      1:36(14=)    2:53(14=)    1:05(9=)     1:10(4)      0:48(9=)     2:49(14=)    2:26(33)     2:54(8=)     1:21(9=)     2:30(7=)     4:17(19)     5:21(13)     1:17(6=)     1:38(18=)    3:27(18)  
  9  Joe Elliott                  39:25    1:22(12=)    4:21(17)     6:02(16)     8:56(16=)    9:55(12)    11:01(9)     11:46(8)     14:20(7)     16:13(6)     19:13(6)     20:36(6)     23:09(4)     27:37(6=)    33:31(9)     35:12(11)    36:29(10)    39:25(9)   
     NOC, M18                              1:22(12=)    2:59(19)     1:41(18=)    2:54(16)     0:59(3=)     1:06(3)      0:45(4=)     2:34(6=)     1:53(20)     3:00(13)     1:23(17=)    2:33(11)     4:28(22)     5:54(21)     1:41(28)     1:17(3=)     2:56(8)   
 10  Simon Elliott                40:04    1:39(25=)    5:09(27)     6:43(26)     9:48(25)    10:49(21)    12:02(15=)   13:43(20)    16:32(20)    18:18(19)    21:08(15)    22:26(14)    25:01(13)    28:57(13)    34:02(12)    35:24(12)    37:00(12)    40:04(10)  
     NOC, M55                              1:39(25=)    3:30(30)     1:34(12)     3:05(24=)    1:01(6)      1:13(6=)     1:41(31=)    2:49(14=)    1:46(14)     2:50(5)      1:18(6)      2:35(14)     3:56(10=)    5:05(9)      1:22(15=)    1:36(13=)    3:04(12)  
 11  Robert Parkinson             40:07    1:29(21)     4:32(20)     6:05(18)     8:42(12)     9:48(10)    11:33(12)    12:25(12)    15:22(12)    17:07(11)    20:06(9)     21:29(9)     24:03(9)     28:13(10)    33:41(11)    35:01(10)    36:39(11)    40:07(11)  
     NOC, M50                              1:29(21)     3:03(22)     1:33(11)     2:37(6)      1:06(11=)    1:45(18)     0:52(15=)    2:57(19)     1:45(13)     2:59(11=)    1:23(17=)    2:34(12=)    4:10(14=)    5:28(16)     1:20(14)     1:38(18=)    3:28(19)  
 12  Mike Capper                  40:09    1:19(9)      4:20(15=)    6:01(15)     8:54(14=)   10:02(14)    11:16(10)    12:04(9=)    15:13(11)    16:54(10)    20:15(11)    21:34(11)    24:13(11)    28:19(11)    33:32(10)    34:51(9)     36:27(9)     40:09(12)  
     WAOC, M55                             1:19(9)      3:01(20=)    1:41(18=)    2:53(14=)    1:08(14=)    1:14(9=)     0:48(9=)     3:09(25)     1:41(5=)     3:21(24=)    1:19(7)      2:39(16=)    4:06(13)     5:13(11)     1:19(12=)    1:36(13=)    3:42(21)  
 13  Sam Fraser                   40:26    3:42(35)     6:20(35)     7:51(34)    10:38(28)    11:46(26)    13:49(26)    15:00(25)    17:31(24)    19:01(22)    22:16(20)    23:37(18)    26:19(18)    29:48(15)    34:40(15)    35:47(13)    37:32(14)    40:26(13)  
     NOC, M21                              3:42(35)     2:38(8)      1:31(6=)     2:47(10)     1:08(14=)    2:03(27)     1:11(25=)    2:31(4=)     1:30(2)      3:15(21)     1:21(9=)     2:42(18)     3:29(1)      4:52(4)      1:07(1=)     1:45(22=)    2:54(6)   
 14  Graeme Huggan                40:36    1:22(12=)    4:08(11)     5:51(13)     8:56(16=)   10:13(16)    12:02(15=)   12:52(14)    15:41(13)    17:23(13)    20:36(12)    21:56(12)    24:32(12)    28:42(12)    34:07(13)    35:52(14)    37:26(13)    40:36(14)  
     NOC, M50                              1:22(12=)    2:46(12)     1:43(20=)    3:05(24=)    1:17(24)     1:49(19)     0:50(14)     2:49(14=)    1:42(8)      3:13(20)     1:20(8)      2:36(15)     4:10(14=)    5:25(15)     1:45(30)     1:34(9=)     3:10(14)  
 15  Robert Haskins               41:03    1:43(29)     4:48(25)     6:41(25)     9:45(24)    10:59(23)    13:41(25)    14:36(23)    17:26(23)    19:09(23)    22:02(17)    23:24(17)    25:47(16)    29:36(14)    34:39(14)    35:56(15)    37:46(15)    41:03(15)  
     LEI, M60                              1:43(29)     3:05(23=)    1:53(27)     3:04(21=)    1:14(21)     2:42(31)     0:55(17)     2:50(17)     1:43(9)      2:53(7)      1:22(12=)    2:23(5)      3:49(7)      5:03(7)      1:17(6=)     1:50(25=)    3:17(16)  
 16  John Marriott                43:59    1:30(22)     4:35(23)     6:15(20)     9:15(21)    10:33(19)    11:47(14)    12:54(15)    16:16(18)    18:11(18)    21:27(16)    23:03(15)    25:59(17)    30:26(18)    36:30(17)    37:52(16)    39:29(16)    43:59(16)  
     LEI, M60                              1:30(22)     3:05(23=)    1:40(16=)    3:00(19)     1:18(25=)    1:14(9=)     1:07(23)     3:22(27)     1:55(23)     3:16(22)     1:36(27=)    2:56(26=)    4:27(21)     6:04(23)     1:22(15=)    1:37(16=)    4:30(31)  
 17  Helen Parkinson              44:01    1:32(23)     4:33(21=)    6:21(22)     9:13(20)    10:25(18)    13:06(24)    13:55(22)    17:19(22)    19:11(24)    22:21(21)    23:50(19=)   26:33(19)    30:53(19)    36:38(18)    38:06(18)    39:56(18)    44:01(17)  
     NOC, W45                              1:32(23)     3:01(20=)    1:48(25)     2:52(12=)    1:12(18)     2:41(30)     0:49(12=)    3:24(29)     1:52(18=)    3:10(19)     1:29(23=)    2:43(19=)    4:20(20)     5:45(20)     1:28(20=)    1:50(25=)    4:05(27=) 
 18  Michael Lord                 44:13    1:28(17=)    4:10(12)     6:26(24)     9:30(22=)   10:53(22)    12:47(22)    13:50(21)    16:52(21)    18:50(20)    22:10(18)    24:01(21)    26:44(20)    30:59(20)    36:57(19)    38:15(19)    39:52(17)    44:13(18)  
     NOC, M45                              1:28(17=)    2:42(10=)    2:16(34)     3:04(21=)    1:23(30)     1:54(22=)    1:03(22)     3:02(21)     1:58(24)     3:20(23)     1:51(33)     2:43(19=)    4:15(18)     5:58(22)     1:18(10=)    1:37(16=)    4:21(30)  
 19  Max Elliott                  44:19    1:28(17=)    4:37(24)     6:22(23)     9:30(22=)   10:46(20)    12:23(20)    13:07(17)    16:12(17)    17:56(17)    20:58(14)    22:13(13)    25:20(14)    30:15(17)    36:27(16)    38:04(17)    40:30(19)    44:19(19)  
     NOC, M16                              1:28(17=)    3:09(25)     1:45(22=)    3:08(27)     1:16(23)     1:37(15)     0:44(3)      3:05(23)     1:44(10=)    3:02(15)     1:15(3)      3:07(32)     4:55(29)     6:12(26)     1:37(26=)    2:26(33)     3:49(22)  
 20  Kevin Sheridan               45:17    1:24(15)     4:06(9)      5:42(9=)     8:46(13)     9:50(11)    11:41(13)    12:37(13)    15:44(14)    17:33(14)    24:52(25)    26:14(25)    28:44(22)    32:31(22)    38:54(21)    40:23(20)    42:12(22)    45:17(20)  
     NOC, M35                              1:24(15)     2:42(10=)    1:36(14=)    3:04(21=)    1:04(8)      1:51(20)     0:56(18)     3:07(24)     1:49(15=)    7:19(33)     1:22(12=)    2:30(7=)     3:47(5=)     6:23(28)     1:29(22=)    1:49(24)     3:05(13)  
 21  Tracey Brookes               45:19    1:39(25=)    5:16(28)    10:09(35)    13:16(35)    14:23(33)    16:20(32)    17:03(31)    20:16(31)    22:00(29)    25:09(26)    27:02(27)    29:33(25)    33:44(25)    39:07(22)    40:33(21)    42:07(21)    45:19(21)  
     LEI, W45                              1:39(25=)    3:37(34)     4:53(35)     3:07(26)     1:07(13)     1:57(24=)    0:43(2)      3:13(26)     1:44(10=)    3:09(18)     1:53(34)     2:31(9)      4:11(16=)    5:23(14)     1:26(19)     1:34(9=)     3:12(15)  
 22  Nick Malbon                  46:49    1:06(1)      3:31(1)      4:59(1)      7:50(5)      8:49(3=)    10:04(5)     11:15(4)     14:02(4)     16:02(5)     24:31(24)    25:56(23)    28:59(24)    33:37(24)    39:19(24)    40:43(22)    41:43(20)    46:49(22)  
     NOC, M16                              1:06(1)      2:25(1)      1:28(5)      2:51(11)     0:59(3=)     1:15(11)     1:11(25=)    2:47(13)     2:00(25=)    8:29(34)     1:25(20)     3:03(31)     4:38(26)     5:42(18=)    1:24(18)     1:00(1)      5:06(34)  
 23  Keith Roberts                46:52    1:22(12=)    4:33(21=)    6:20(21)     9:51(26)    11:04(24)    12:17(19)    13:17(18)    16:20(19)    18:53(21)    22:14(19)    23:50(19=)   26:46(21)    31:51(21)    38:53(20)    40:48(23)    43:13(23)    46:52(23)  
     NOC, M50                              1:22(12=)    3:11(26)     1:47(24)     3:31(30)     1:13(19=)    1:13(6=)     1:00(19=)    3:03(22)     2:33(34)     3:21(24=)    1:36(27=)    2:56(26=)    5:05(31)     7:02(32)     1:55(34)     2:25(32)     3:39(20)  
 24  Peter Cholerton              47:30    1:42(28)     5:27(32)     7:22(29)    10:47(29)    12:00(27)    13:58(27)    15:21(27)    18:44(27)    20:38(27)    24:16(23)    25:58(24)    28:49(23)    33:34(23)    40:03(25)    41:47(25)    43:31(24)    47:30(24)  
     NOC, M55                              1:42(28)     3:45(35)     1:55(28)     3:25(29)     1:13(19=)    1:58(26)     1:23(29)     3:23(28)     1:54(21=)    3:38(28)     1:42(31)     2:51(24=)    4:45(28)     6:29(29)     1:44(29)     1:44(21)     3:59(24=) 
 25  Carolyn Marr                 48:47    1:49(30)     5:21(30)     7:20(28)    10:57(30)    12:26(28)    14:46(30)    16:04(30)    19:32(29)    21:34(28)    25:30(27)    26:59(26)    29:49(26)    34:18(26)    40:55(26)    42:32(26)    44:42(26)    48:47(25)  
     OD, W60                               1:49(30)     3:32(31)     1:59(30)     3:37(32)     1:29(32=)    2:20(29)     1:18(28)     3:28(30)     2:02(27=)    3:56(31)     1:29(23=)    2:50(22=)    4:29(23)     6:37(30)     1:37(26=)    2:10(30)     4:05(27=) 
 26  Roman Kotecky                49:17    1:26(16)     4:24(18)     6:09(19)     9:01(18)    10:12(15)    12:04(17)    13:04(16)    15:56(15)    17:48(16)    27:01(29)    28:29(29)    31:19(28)    36:44(28)    42:53(27)    44:21(27)    45:57(27)    49:17(26)  
     OD, M60                               1:26(16)     2:58(18)     1:45(22=)    2:52(12=)    1:11(17)     1:52(21)     1:00(19=)    2:52(18)     1:52(18=)    9:13(35)     1:28(22)     2:50(22=)    5:25(35)     6:09(25)     1:28(20=)    1:36(13=)    3:20(17)  
 27  David Booker                 50:21    1:34(24)     4:25(19)     5:56(14)     8:54(14=)    9:56(13)    12:44(21)    13:33(19)    16:04(16)    17:45(15)    20:50(13)    23:06(16)    25:38(15)    30:09(16)    39:16(23)    41:36(24)    44:15(25)    50:21(27)  
     NOC, M55                              1:34(24)     2:51(15=)    1:31(6=)     2:58(18)     1:02(7)      2:48(32)     0:49(12=)    2:31(4=)     1:41(5=)     3:05(16=)    2:16(35)     2:32(10)     4:31(25)     9:07(35)     2:20(35)     2:39(34)     6:06(35)  
 28  Dave Skidmore                50:37    1:51(31)     5:20(29)     7:31(30=)   11:17(32)    12:45(31)    14:42(29)    15:59(29)    20:13(30)    22:31(30)    26:10(28)    27:50(28)    31:01(27)    36:10(27)    42:58(28)    44:44(28)    46:38(28)    50:37(28)  
     DVO, M65                              1:51(31)     3:29(28=)    2:11(33)     3:46(33=)    1:28(31)     1:57(24=)    1:17(27)     4:14(35)     2:18(31)     3:39(29)     1:40(30)     3:11(33)     5:09(33)     6:48(31)     1:46(31)     1:54(28)     3:59(24=) 
 29  David Sissons                51:04    1:41(27)     4:54(26)     6:52(27)    10:05(27)    11:27(25)    13:01(23)    14:42(24)    18:19(25=)   20:19(25)    27:29(30)    29:08(30)    32:08(29)    37:15(29)    43:23(29)    44:59(29)    47:04(29)    51:04(29)  
     NOC, M35                              1:41(27)     3:13(27)     1:58(29)     3:13(28)     1:22(28=)    1:34(14)     1:41(31=)    3:37(32)     2:00(25=)    7:10(32)     1:39(29)     3:00(30)     5:07(32)     6:08(24)     1:36(25)     2:05(29)     4:00(26)  
 30  Pauline Ward                 52:36    2:08(34)     5:44(34)     7:34(32)    11:20(33)    12:41(30)    17:07(33)    18:34(32)    22:29(32)    24:46(32)    28:16(32)    29:46(32)    32:44(30)    37:24(30)    43:40(30)    45:15(30)    48:41(30)    52:36(30)  
     DVO, W65                              2:08(34)     3:36(32=)    1:50(26)     3:46(33=)    1:21(27)     4:26(33)     1:27(30)     3:55(34)     2:17(30)     3:30(26)     1:30(25)     2:58(29)     4:40(27)     6:16(27)     1:35(24)     3:26(35)     3:55(23)  
 31  Rodney Hugo                  55:26    1:55(32)     5:31(33)     7:37(33)    12:40(34)    14:02(32)    15:45(31)    21:16(33)    24:50(33)    26:52(33)    30:26(33)    31:59(33)    34:56(32)    39:53(32)    47:03(31)    48:52(31)    50:37(31)    55:26(31)  
     OD, M65                               1:55(32)     3:36(32=)    2:06(32)     5:03(35)     1:22(28=)    1:43(17)     5:31(35)     3:34(31)     2:02(27=)    3:34(27)     1:33(26)     2:57(28)     4:57(30)     7:10(33)     1:49(32)     1:45(22=)    4:49(32)  
 32  Sue Bicknell                 56:07    1:57(33)     5:26(31)     7:31(30=)   11:04(31)    12:33(29)    14:39(28)    15:40(28)    19:30(28)    24:01(31)    27:49(31)    29:37(31)    33:21(31)    38:41(31)    47:06(32)    48:56(32)    51:14(32)    56:07(32)  
     OD, W65                               1:57(33)     3:29(28=)    2:05(31)     3:33(31)     1:29(32=)    2:06(28)     1:01(21)     3:50(33)     4:31(35)     3:48(30)     1:48(32)     3:44(34)     5:20(34)     8:25(34)     1:50(33)     2:18(31)     4:53(33)  
 33  Ian Wells                    58:03    1:28(17=)    4:20(15=)    6:03(17)     9:05(19)    10:20(17)    12:14(18)    15:19(26)    18:19(25=)   20:24(26)    23:23(22)    24:50(22)    40:47(33)    44:58(33)    50:35(33)    52:04(33)    53:55(33)    58:03(33)  
     LEI, M55                              1:28(17=)    2:52(17)     1:43(20=)    3:02(20)     1:15(22)     1:54(22=)    3:05(34)     3:00(20)     2:05(29)     2:59(11=)    1:27(21)    15:57(35)     4:11(16=)    5:37(17)     1:29(22=)    1:51(27)     4:08(29)  
mp   Samuel Horsewill             35:56    1:09(4)      3:43(3=)     5:14(4)      7:45(4)       ---        10:12        10:57        13:31        15:20        18:12        19:29        21:51        25:37        30:26        31:37        33:05        35:56      
     NOC, M18                              1:09(4)      2:34(5)      1:31(6=)     2:31(4)       ---         2:27         0:45(4=)     2:34(6=)     1:49(15=)    2:52(6)      1:17(5)      2:22(3=)     3:46(4)      4:49(3)      1:11(4)      1:28(7)      2:51(5)   
mp   David Bray                   38:34    1:17(7)      4:07(10)     5:42(9=)     8:22(10)      ---        11:38        12:30        15:12        16:53        19:49        21:11        23:35        27:31        32:40        33:57        35:32        38:34      
     LEI, M55                              1:17(7)      2:50(14)     1:35(13)     2:40(7)       ---         3:16         0:52(15=)    2:42(9=)     1:41(5=)     2:56(10)     1:22(12=)    2:24(6)      3:56(10=)    5:09(10)     1:17(6=)     1:35(12)     3:02(11)  

Courses Introductory, Long technical, Medium, Short technical
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Medium (length 2.5km, 9 controls)

                                           1[32]        2[54]        3[43]        4[37]        5[55]        6[57]        7[59]        8[42]        9[41]       Finish
  1  Jamie Lowthian               18:47    1:46(3)      3:30(3)      6:15(2)      7:41(2)     10:07(2)     12:44(2)     13:39(1)     16:12(1=)    18:06(1)     18:47(1)   
     NOC, M10                              1:46(3)      1:44(2)      2:45(2)      1:26(1)      2:26(2)      2:37(2)      0:55(1)      2:33(4)      1:54(1)      0:41(2)   
  2  Miles Plaskett               19:21    1:27(1)      3:01(1)      5:20(1)      6:49(1)      9:06(1)     12:31(1)     14:03(2)     16:12(1=)    18:29(2)     19:21(2)   
     DVO, M18                              1:27(1)      1:34(1)      2:19(1)      1:29(2)      2:17(1)      3:25(4)      1:32(5)      2:09(1)      2:17(3=)     0:52(5)   
  3  Peet family                  22:28    2:08(6)      4:26(5)      7:57(5)      9:48(5)     13:17(5)     15:48(4)     16:50(3)     19:11(3)     21:28(3)     22:28(3)   
     NOC                                   2:08(6)      2:18(6)      3:31(4=)     1:51(4)      3:29(6)      2:31(1)      1:02(2)      2:21(2)      2:17(3=)     1:00(7)   
  4  Simon Warrener               23:17    2:00(4)      4:07(4)      7:38(4)      9:21(4)     11:55(3)     15:39(3)     16:59(4)     20:34(4)     22:38(4)     23:17(4)   
     NOC, M12                              2:00(4)      2:07(4)      3:31(4=)     1:43(3)      2:34(3=)     3:44(5)      1:20(4)      3:35(6)      2:04(2)      0:39(1)   
  5  Jessica Beresford            24:33    1:31(2)      3:24(2)      6:37(3)      8:54(3)     12:22(4)     16:34(5)     17:40(5)     20:48(5)     23:48(5)     24:33(5)   
     NOC, W14                              1:31(2)      1:53(3)      3:13(3)      2:17(8)      3:28(5)      4:12(6)      1:06(3)      3:08(5)      3:00(5)      0:45(4)   
  6  Jane Booker                  26:42    2:31(8)      4:40(6)      9:02(7)     11:16(8)     13:50(6)     17:01(6)     18:39(6)     21:02(6)     24:47(6)     26:42(6)   
     NOC, W55                              2:31(8)      2:09(5)      4:22(8)      2:14(7)      2:34(3=)     3:11(3)      1:38(6)      2:23(3)      3:45(8)      1:55(9)   
  7  Alistair Hart                32:58    2:09(7)      4:53(7)      8:48(6)     10:53(6)     15:30(7)     21:47(7)     23:37(7)     28:47(7)     32:00(7)     32:58(7)   
     NOC, M14                              2:09(7)      2:44(7)      3:55(6)      2:05(6)      4:37(9)      6:17(7)      1:50(8)      5:10(7)      3:13(6)      0:58(6)   
  8  Adam Williamson              33:27    2:05(5)      5:14(8)      9:14(8)     11:15(7)     15:56(8)     22:19(8)     24:07(8)     29:19(8)     32:45(8)     33:27(8)   
     NOC, M14                              2:05(5)      3:09(8)      4:00(7)      2:01(5)      4:41(10)     6:23(8)      1:48(7)      5:12(8)      3:26(7)      0:42(3)   
mp   Tom Cooley                   36:32    2:43(10)     6:21(10)    11:25(10)    13:58(10)    17:59(10)      ---        30:27          ---        34:42        36:32      
     NOC, M10                              2:43(10)     3:38(10)     5:04(9=)     2:33(9)      4:01(8)       ---        12:28          ---         4:15         1:50(8)   
     John Cooley                  dnf      2:40(9)      6:08(9)     11:12(9)     13:49(9)     17:47(9)       ---        30:23          ---          ---       No fin      
     NOC, M50                              2:40(9)      3:28(9)      5:04(9=)     2:37(10)     3:58(7)       ---        12:36          ---          ---       775:55      

Courses Introductory, Long technical, Medium, Short technical
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Short technical (length 4.3km, 13 controls)

                                           1[54]        2[43]        3[44]        4[42]        5[39]        6[55]        7[45]        8[48]        9[49]       10[50]       11[58]       12[60]       13[41]       Finish
  1  Catherine Hughes             28:16    3:02(5)      5:15(4)      6:54(2)      8:18(2)      9:40(2)     12:07(3)     15:39(1)     17:23(1)     20:14(1)     22:14(1)     23:51(1)     26:25(1)     27:25(1)     28:16(1)   
     NOC, W40                              3:02(5)      2:13(2=)     1:39(1)      1:24(2)      1:22(2=)     2:27(4=)     3:32(1)      1:44(1)      2:51(1)      2:00(2)      1:37(2)      2:34(3)      1:00(2=)     0:51(4)   
  2  Bruce Bryant                 29:08    2:48(1)      5:01(1)      6:45(1)      8:12(1)      9:34(1)     12:01(2)     15:49(3)     17:37(2)     21:16(3)     23:19(2)     25:08(3)     27:33(2)     28:26(2)     29:08(2)   
     OD, M50                               2:48(1)      2:13(2=)     1:44(2)      1:27(5=)     1:22(2=)     2:27(4=)     3:48(4)      1:48(2)      3:39(7)      2:03(3)      1:49(5)      2:25(1)      0:53(1)      0:42(1)   
  3  Neil Fraser                  29:28    2:53(2)      5:11(2)      6:56(3)      8:23(3)      9:47(3)     11:56(1)     15:43(2)     17:39(3)     20:51(2)     23:24(3)     25:05(2)     27:38(3)     28:38(3)     29:28(3)   
     NOC, M50                              2:53(2)      2:18(4)      1:45(3)      1:27(5=)     1:24(4)      2:09(2)      3:47(3)      1:56(3)      3:12(3)      2:33(10)     1:41(3)      2:33(2)      1:00(2=)     0:50(2=)  
  4  David Olivant                30:46    2:54(3)      5:14(3)      7:06(4)      8:29(4)      9:57(4)     12:52(4)     16:47(4)     18:47(4)     22:29(5)     24:24(4)     26:07(4)     28:52(4)     29:56(4)     30:46(4)   
     NOC, M60                              2:54(3)      2:20(5)      1:52(4)      1:23(1)      1:28(6)      2:55(7)      3:55(5)      2:00(4)      3:42(9)      1:55(1)      1:43(4)      2:45(4)      1:04(4=)     0:50(2=)  
  5  Hilary Palmer                31:17    3:06(6)      5:34(5)      7:27(5)      8:52(5)     10:24(5)     13:06(5)     17:08(5)     19:09(5)     22:17(4)     24:25(5)     26:24(5)     29:19(5)     30:25(5)     31:17(5)   
     NOC, W60                              3:06(6)      2:28(9)      1:53(5)      1:25(3)      1:32(7)      2:42(6)      4:02(6=)     2:01(5)      3:08(2)      2:08(5=)     1:59(9)      2:55(7)      1:06(6)      0:52(5)   
  6  Jack Lord                    32:32    2:58(4)      5:41(8)      7:50(8)      9:30(9)     10:55(7)     13:17(6)     17:19(6)     20:00(6)     23:26(6)     25:32(6)     27:08(6)     30:25(6)     31:37(6)     32:32(6)   
     NOC, M14                              2:58(4)      2:43(11)     2:09(9)      1:40(9)      1:25(5)      2:22(3)      4:02(6=)     2:41(12)     3:26(4)      2:06(4)      1:36(1)      3:17(9)      1:12(7)      0:55(7)   
  7  Robert Titterington          33:01    3:11(7)      5:38(6)      7:33(6)      9:20(7)     11:05(9)     14:09(9=)    18:24(8)     20:26(8)     23:53(8)     26:01(7)     27:59(7)     30:45(7)     32:04(7)     33:01(7)   
     LEI, M65                              3:11(7)      2:27(8)      1:55(6)      1:47(10)     1:45(11)     3:04(10)     4:15(8)      2:02(6)      3:27(5)      2:08(5=)     1:58(8)      2:46(5)      1:19(9)      0:57(8)   
  8  Liz Phillips                 33:10    3:25(10)     6:01(10)     8:02(10)     9:35(10)    11:08(10)    14:06(8)     18:37(9)     20:42(9)     24:23(9)     26:33(9)     28:23(9)     31:12(8)     32:16(8)     33:10(8)   
     OD, W45                               3:25(10)     2:36(10)     2:01(8)      1:33(8)      1:33(8)      2:58(8)      4:31(10=)    2:05(7)      3:41(8)      2:10(7)      1:50(6)      2:49(6)      1:04(4=)     0:54(6)   
  9  Peter Hubberstey             35:02    3:18(9)      5:43(9)      8:00(9)      9:26(8)     11:02(8)     14:09(9=)    18:40(10)    20:48(10)    24:31(10)    27:19(10)    29:23(10)    32:37(9)     33:58(9)     35:02(9)   
     NOC, M65                              3:18(9)      2:25(6)      2:17(10)     1:26(4)      1:36(9)      3:07(11)     4:31(10=)    2:08(8)      3:43(10)     2:48(11)     2:04(10)     3:14(8)      1:21(11)     1:04(11)  
 10  David Winser                 42:50    3:42(11)     6:36(11)     9:06(11)    11:00(11)    13:34(11)    16:51(11)    22:31(11)    25:08(11)    30:43(11)    33:35(11)    36:09(11)    39:58(10)    41:35(10)    42:50(10)  
     NOC, M60                              3:42(11)     2:54(12)     2:30(11)     1:54(11)     2:34(15)     3:17(12)     5:40(12)     2:37(11)     5:35(13)     2:52(13)     2:34(14)     3:49(12)     1:37(13)     1:15(12)  
 11  John Woodall                 43:22    3:56(12)     7:03(13)     9:41(12)    11:37(12)    13:53(12)    18:05(12)    24:01(12)    26:48(12)    31:23(12)    34:19(12)    36:42(12)    40:33(11)    42:05(11)    43:22(11)  
     NOC, M70                              3:56(12)     3:07(13)     2:38(13)     1:56(12)     2:16(13)     4:12(15)     5:56(13)     2:47(13)     4:35(12)     2:56(14)     2:23(12)     3:51(13)     1:32(12)     1:17(13)  
 12  Ruth Ellis                   44:03    4:22(13)     7:30(14)    10:07(13)    12:13(13)    14:15(13)    18:19(13)    24:21(13)    27:09(13)    32:56(13)    35:47(13)    38:17(13)    41:43(12)    43:00(12)    44:03(12)  
     DVO, W60                              4:22(13)     3:08(14)     2:37(12)     2:06(13)     2:02(12)     4:04(13)     6:02(14)     2:48(14)     5:47(14)     2:51(12)     2:30(13)     3:26(10)     1:17(8)      1:03(9=)  
 13  Chris Horsewill              56:02    5:38(15)     9:33(15)    12:48(14)    16:01(15)    18:31(14)    22:47(15)    30:09(14)    33:27(14)    39:17(14)    44:31(14)    47:35(14)    52:22(13)    54:21(13)    56:02(13)  
     NOC, W50                              5:38(15)     3:55(15)     3:15(14)     3:13(15)     2:30(14)     4:16(16)     7:22(15)     3:18(15)     5:50(15)     5:14(16)     3:04(15)     4:47(14)     1:59(14)     1:41(14)  
 14  Brian Ward                   57:32    5:40(16)     9:45(16)    13:08(15)    15:46(14)    18:34(15)    22:41(14)    30:42(15)    34:11(15)    40:46(15)    44:59(15)    48:14(15)    53:13(14)    55:28(14)    57:32(14)  
     DVO, M75                              5:40(16)     4:05(16)     3:23(15)     2:38(14)     2:48(16)     4:07(14)     8:01(16)     3:29(16)     6:35(16)     4:13(15)     3:15(16)     4:59(15)     2:15(15)     2:04(15)  
mp   Christine Elliott            29:03    3:13(8)      5:39(7)      7:36(7)      9:08(6)     10:48(6)     13:50(7)     18:08(7)     20:19(7)     23:52(7)     26:16(8)     28:07(8)       ---          ---        29:03      
     NOC, W50                              3:13(8)      2:26(7)      1:57(7)      1:32(7)      1:40(10)     3:02(9)      4:18(9)      2:11(9)      3:33(6)      2:24(9)      1:51(7)       ---          ---         0:56      
mp   Winnie, Stella & Jessie + 2  33:03    4:28(14)     6:40(12)      ---         9:14        10:21        12:28        16:04        18:27        22:46        25:04        27:13        30:40        32:00        33:03      
     NOC                                   4:28(14)     2:12(1)       ---         2:34         1:07(1)      2:07(1)      3:36(2)      2:23(10)     4:19(11)     2:18(8)      2:09(11)     3:27(11)     1:20(10)     1:03(9=)  

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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @ cix.co.uk