Results for NOC EM Urban League, Southwell, 08/05/2016

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5pm Sunday results uploaded.

Excel file of results.
Fastest splits by course or by class
Winsplits on-line.
Splitsbrowser (graph).
Splitsbrowser (VB).

Downloadable file of splits in sportIdent format suitable for Winsplits, Splitsbrowser, etc
comma separated by class, by course
semi-colon separated by class, by course.

Class Results
M16 W16
M40 W40
M55 W55
M65 W65

Course splits
Course 1 MO
Course 2 M40 WO
Course 3 M55 W40
Course 4 M65 W55
Course 5 W65
Course 6 M16 W16

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