Thinking Time & Hats

The introduction of the open plan system has made all members of staff more accessible. The disadvantage of this is that it is difficult to maintain concentration on any one topic for very long before one is interrupted. In order to help this situation, it is proposed that caps be worn to indicate that the wearer is not to be disturbed. Below are some guidelines in the use of caps.

  1. It is recommended that a short break is taken every hour. Hats should be removed for the duration of the break.
  2. A person wearing a hat should be treated as if he/she is in a meeting. There will be occasions where the importance of a message requires that the person needs to be interrupted, these occasions should be minimised.
  3. Ensure that there is always someone in a section to answer queries & telephones. i.e. put telephones on call forward rather than not answer them.
  4. It is good practice to book quiet time in one's diary, as if it were a meeting. If you are a user of Lotus Organiser this will also allow others to see what time you will become available.
  5. If you do not have Organiser then the time when the Cap is due to come off should be displayed.

GEC-Marconi baseball caps will be provided for all staff in Building 25 Floor 1 in the near future. For those people who do not wish to wear hats an alternative indicator will be provided, probably a badge.

Comments welcome:   Keith

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