The Message Authenticator Algorithm is, as far as the author is aware, the first Cryptographic Hash Function or Message Digest to gain widespread acceptance.  It has become a part of ISO standard 8731-2: Approved Algorithms for Message Authentication.  The designers were Donald Davies and David Clayden. 

A .pdf version is available.

This is a historical document - this algorithm should not be used in modern systems.  See appended notes for extra material.

NPL Report DITC 109/88
February 1988


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The Message Authenticator Algorithm (MAA)

and its Implementation



D.W. Davies

Consultant, British Technology Group



D.O. Clayden

Consultant, British Technology Group


© Crown copyright 1988


ISSN 0262-5369


National Physical Laboratory

Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0LW, UK


Extracts from this report may be reproduced

provided the source is acknowledged


Approved on behalf of Director, NPL, by Dr T.G. Blaney

Superintendent, Division of Information Technology and Computing




  1  Introduction                                                   1
  2  Purpose of the Algorithm                                       2
  3  Implementation Considerations                                  2
  4  General Description                                            4
  5  Specification of the Functions Used in the Algorithm           5
  6  Definition of MUL1(X,Y)                                        6
  7  Definition of MUL2(X,Y)                                        6
  8  Definition of MUL2A(X,Y)                                       7
  9  The Functions BYT{X,Y} and PAT{X,Y}                            8
 10  The Prelude                                                    9
 11  The Main Loop                                                 10
 12  The Coda                                                      11
 13  Mode of operation                                             11
 14  Details of the Multiplication Functions                       11
 15  Test Examples For Parts of the Algorithm                      12
 16  Test Examples for MUL1, MUL2, MUL2A                           13
 17  Test Examples for BYT{X,Y} and PAT{X,Y}                       14
 18  Test Examples for the Prelude                                 15
 19  Test Examples for the Main Loop                               16
 20  Test Examples for the Whole Algorithm                         18
 21  Diagram Showing Data Flow                                     20
 22  Implementation in 'C'                                         21
 23  Implementation in Basic                                       29
 24  References                                                    36

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The Message Authenticator Algorithm (MAA) and its Implementation

by D.W. Davies and D.O. Clayden


1  Introduction

A message authenticator algorithm (MAA) was developed by D.W. Davies and D.O. Clayden and published in 1983 [1].  The text of the original report is reproduced below, updated a little to reflect events since its first publication.  Examples of programs for MAA are included in this report.  The algorithm attracted the attention of the Committee of the London Clearing Banks and then Technical Committee 68 (Banking) of the International Standards Organisation, which adopted it as one of the approved algorithms for message authentication [2].  In the course of examining the algorithm a number of bodies tested its level of security.  One potential attack was found, using a very large amount of chosen plain text in very long and artificial messages.  It is questionable whether such an attack is realistic, since the ability of an adversary to subject an algorithm, with its secret key, to almost unlimited testing with chosen text would be a fatal weakness of an authenticated message scheme.  Access to such a facility must be strictly controlled.

To avoid even this attack, the ISO standard 8731-2 contains a limitation of the total block of data to 1024 bytes and a 'mode of operation' in section 5 of the standard which chains these blocks together.

A long financial message can often be divided conveniently into segments which are no longer than 1024 bytes - for example into a series of separate payment messages.  It is often preferable to provide each segment with its own authenticator, in the same way that error control is often segmented rather than covering a whole file.  To detect insertion and deletion of segments, consecutive sequence numbering and checking can be used.  Control totals, if authenticated, can prevent truncation at the end of the file.  Another method is to send a group authenticator calculated from the sequence of segment authenticators.  Groups of 256 segments can be authenticated in this way and if necessary a hierarchy of such authentication is possible, not limited to 1,000,000 blocks.  This does not conflict with ISO 8731-2 and is, in effect, an alternative mode of operation.


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In the reproduction of the 1983 report given below, the ISO 'mode of operation' has been inserted, and Table 4 is given in two versions 4(a) decimal and 4(b) hexadecimal, to help those testing main loop implementations.  Table 5 of the original report contained an error in the first two columns of row S.  Details appear in a note below the table.  Unfortunately this error also occurs in the ISO version.


2  Purpose of the Algorithm

An 'authenticator' is a number which is sent with a message so that a check can be made by the receiver of the message that it has not been altered since it left the sender.  For authenticators in general the sender and receiver share the knowledge of a key K which is otherwise secret.  If M is the message, the authenticator is a function of K and M.  It is calculated by the sender and again by the receiver.  If the receiver's calculated value equals the authenticator value received with the message, the message is assumed to be correct.  When a well designed authenticator is used, giving a 32 bit result, the probability that a message alteration will not be detected is 2-32, which is small enough for most purposes.


3  Implementation Considerations

The algorithm was originally designed to be implemented on a main frame computer.  In practice, implementations in high level languages have often proved slow in operation.  The advent of low cost computers (PCs or similar) with larger word sizes increases the options for effective implementation of MAA.

There have been several requests for a version of the MAA, or a new algorithm, which could be implemented on a personal computer.  The development of a new algorithm for this purpose would be likely to take a considerable time because of the amount of testing involved.  Furthermore the MAA can now be implemented on a PC at a useful speed.

Many users prefer a version written in a high level language.  For the highest speed the MAA needs to be written in assembly code, but the version in this report written in 'C' has achieved speeds of about one millisecond per message block of 32 bits on IBM compatible PCs of various types.  This report also includes a version written in Basic, primarily as a description of the algorithm, and also to check results.  It can be run on a BBC micro or on an IBM compatible PC using the MTEC BBCBasic(86) interpreter which uses 32 bit values for all arithmetic and bitwise boolean functions.


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The MAA has several special requirements which influence the choice of language in which to write a program.  In particular it needs:

  1. Multiplication of two 32 bit unsigned numbers to produce a 64 bit unsigned product.

  2. Addition of two unsigned 32 bit numbers to produce a 32 bit sum and a carry bit.

  3. Boolean functions of 32 bit values.

  4. Splitting 32 bit unsigned values into 8 bit bytes and concatenating back to 32 bit values.

The language 'C' copes with all of these requirements except (1) and the carry bit of (2).  However it is capable of producing a 32 bit unsigned product from the multiplication of two 16 bit values, and the carry bit from addition can be derived from the most significant bits of the three values involved.

Pascal has the disadvantage that the 32nd bit is treated as a sign bit and a carry into the 33rd bit is reported as an overflow.  Dealing with this can add a considerable time penalty.  (A similar situation usually exists in Basic).  We have not written an implementation in Pascal, but methods of dealing with these problems are illustrated in the Basic program.  In particular, the function ADDU (unsigned addition) and the procedures MUL32 and MUL16 could be used as models for a Pascal version.  Early Pascal compilers did not implement bitwise boolean functions, but these are now available in Prospero Pascal version 3.

A version of the MAA has been written by D.W. Davies in assembly code for the 6502.  This takes about 6 milliseconds per message block using the BBC model B.  A version written by D.O. Clayden in Turbo Basic (compiling) takes about 300 millisec per message block, about the same time as the Basic program herein when run with the MTEC BBCBasic(86) interpreter.  The Turbo Basic program illustrates methods which are applicable in dialects which lack 32 bit boolean functions.  This version and the 6502 version can be made available on request.


- 4 -


4  General Description

All numbers manipulated in this algorithm are regarded as 32 bit unsigned integers, unless otherwise stated.  For such a number N, 0 < N < 232.  This algorithm can be implemented conveniently and efficiently in a computer with word length 32 bits or more.

The message can be a bit string of any length but for input to the algorithm we regard it as a sequence of 32 bit numbers M1, M2---Mn of which there are n, called 'message blocks'.  The detail of how to pad out the last block Mn to 32 bits is not part of the algorithm but must be defined in any application.  No weakness is introduced by choosing one of the simplest rules, such as extending to the right or left with zeros or ones.

During the process of testing and evaluation of this algorithm, it was found that its use for very long messages results in some reduction of the dependence of the authenticator on the early data in the message.  To minimise this effect, ISO 8731-2 specifies that the algorithm shall not be used for messages with more than 1,000,000 blocks, i.e. n should not exceed 1,000,000.  Note the 'mode of operation' which is applied to messages longer than 1024 bytes (n>256).

The key consists of two 32 bit numbers J and K and thus has a size of 64 bits.

The result of the algorithm is a 32 bit authenticator value denoted Z.  The calculation can be performed on messages as short as one block (n=1).

The calculation, a flow diagram of which is shown on page 20, has three parts:


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  1. The 'Prelude' is a calculation made with the keys (J and K) alone and it generates six numbers X0, Y0, V0, W, S and T which are used in the subsequent calculations.  This part need not be repeated until a new key is installed.
  2. The 'Main loop' is a calculation which is repeated for each message block Mi, therefore for long messages it dominates the calculation.
  3. The 'Coda' consists of two operations of the main loop using as its 'message blocks' the two numbers S and T in turn, followed by a simple calculation of Z, the authenticator.

Therefore the processing load of the algorithm contains a part (the main loop and coda) proportional to n+2 where n is the message size, and a constant overhead each time the keys are changed.


5  Specification of the Functions Used in the Algorithm

A number of functions are used in the description of the algorithm.  In the following, X and Y are 32 bit numbers and the result is a 32 bit number except where stated otherwise.

CYC(X) is the result of a one-bit cyclic left shift of X.
AND(X,Y) is the result of the logical AND operation carried out on each of 32 bits.
OR(X,Y) is the result of the logical OR operation carried out on each of 32 bits.
XOR(X,Y) is the result of the XOR operation (modulo 2 addition) carried out on each of 32 bits.
ADD(X,Y) is the result of adding X and Y discarding any carry from the 32nd bit, that is to say, addition modulo 232.
CAR(X,Y) is the value of the carry from the 32nd bit when X is added to Y, it has the value 0 or 1.
MUL1(X,Y), MUL2(X,Y) and MUL2A(X,Y) are three different forms of multiplication, each with a 32 bit result.

To explain these multiplications, let the 64 bit product of X and Y be {U,L}.  Here the curly brackets mean that the values enclosed are 'concatenated', U on left of L.  Hence U is the upper (most significant) half of the product and L the lower half.


- 6 -


6  Definition of MUL1(X,Y)

Multiply X and Y to produce {U,L}.  With S and C as local variables,

           S:= ADD(U,L);     (1)
           C:= CAR(U,L);     (2)
   MUL1(X,Y):= ADD(S,C)      (3)

That is to say, U is added to L with 'end around carry'.


Numerically the result is congruent to X*Y, the product of X and Y, modulo (232-1).  This can be seen by the following argument.  It is not necessarily the smallest residue because it may equal 232-1.

         X*Y = 232U + L
           S = U + L - 232C   from (1) and (2)
   MUL1(X,Y) = S + C
             = U + L - (232 - 1)C
             = X*Y - (232 - 1)(U + C)

It is shown later that the addition (3) cannot produce a carry from the 32nd bit (see 'details of the multiplication functions').


7  Definition of MUL2(X,Y)

This form of multiplication is not used in the main loop, only in the prelude.  With D, E, F, S and C as local variables,

           D:= ADD(U,U);     (4)
           E:= CAR(U,U);     (5)
           F:= ADD(D,2E);    (6)
           S:= ADD(F,L);     (7)
           C:= CAR(F,L);     (8)
   MUL2(X,Y):= ADD(S,2C)     (9)


- 7 -


Numerically the result is congruent to X*Y, the product of X and Y, modulo (231-2).  This can be seen by the following argument.  It is not necessarily the smallest residue because it may equal 231-2.

        X*Y = 232U + L
         2U = D + 232E    from (4) and (5)
          F = D + 2E     from (6)
      F + L = S + 232C    from (7) and (8)
  MUL2(X,Y) = S + 2C     from (9)
            = F + L - (232 - 2)C
            = D + 2E + L - (232 - 2)C
            = 2U + L - (232 - 2)(E + C)
            = X*Y - (232 - 2)(U + E + C)

It is shown later that additions (6) and (9) cannot produce a carry from the 32nd bit (see 'details of the multiplication functions').


8  Definition of MUL2A(X,Y)

This is a simplified form of MUL2(X,Y) used in the main loop, which yields the correct result only when at least one of the numbers X and Y has a zero in its most significant bit.

It is employed for economy in processing.  D, S, C are local variables.

          D:= ADD(U,U);    (10)
          S:= ADD(D,L);    (11)
          C:= CAR(D,L);    (12)
 MUL2A(X,Y):= ADD(S,2C)    (13)

The result is congruent to X*Y modulo (231-2) under the conditions stated because, in the notation of MUL2(X,Y) above, the carry E = 0.  This will be shown later (see 'details of the multiplication functions').


- 8 -


9  The Functions BYT{X,Y} and PAT{X,Y}

A procedure is used in the 'prelude' to condition both the keys and the results in order to prevent long strings of ones or zeros.  It produces two results which are the conditioned values of X and Y and a number PAT{X,Y} which records the changes that have been made.  PAT{X,Y} < 255 so it is essentially an 8 bit number.

X and Y are regarded as strings of bytes.  Using the notation {X,Y...} for concatenating,

{X,Y} = {B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7}

Thus bytes B0 - B3 are derived from X and B4 - B7 from Y.

The procedure is best described by a program where each byte Bi is regarded as an integer of length 8 bits:

P:= 0;
for i:= 0 to 7 do
   P:= 2 * P;
   if Bi = 0 then
      P:= P + 1;
      B'i:= P
   else if Bi = 255 then
      P:= P + 1;
      B'i = 255 - P
      B'i:= Bi

The results are:

     BYT{X,Y} = {B'0,B'1,B'2,B'3,B'4,B'5,B'6,B'7}
and  PAT{X,Y} = P

Examples for checking an implementation of this function are given later.


- 9 -


10  The Prelude

{J1,K1}  := BYT{J,K};
      P := PAT{J,K};                                 (14)
      Q := (1+P)*(1+P)

First, a calculation using J1 produces H4, H6 and H8 from which X0, V0 and S are derived.

J12:= MUL1(J1,J1);        J22:= MUL2(J1,J1);
J14:= MUL1(J12,J12);      J24:= MUL2(J22,J22);
J16:= MUL1(J12,J14);      J26:= MUL2(J22,J24);        (15)
J18:= MUL1(J12,J16);      J28:= MUL2(J22,J26);

        H4:= XOR(J14,J24);
        H6:= XOR(J16,J26);                           (16)
        H8:= XOR(J18,J28);

A similar calculation using K1 produces H5, H7 and H9, from which Y0, W and T are derived.

K12:= MUL1(K1,K1);        K22:= MUL2(K1,K1);
K14:= MUL1(K12,K12);      K24:= MUL2(K22,K22);
K15:= MUL1(K1,K14);       K25:= MUL2(K1,K24);        (17)
K17:= MUL1(K12,K15);      K27:= MUL2(K22,K25);
K19:= MUL1(K12,K17);      K29:= MUL2(K22,K27);

        H0:= XOR(K15,K25);
        H5:= MUL2(H0,Q);
        H7:= XOR(K17,K27);                           (19)
        H9:= XOR(K19,K29);

Finally, the results are conditioned by the BYT function:

  {X0,Y0} := BYT{H4,H5};
  {V0,W} := BYT{H6,H7};                              (20)
   {S,T} := BYT{H8,H9}

Examples are given later for checking this part of the algorithm, except for lines (14).


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11  The Main Loop

This loop is performed in turn for each of the message blocks Mi. In addition to Mi, the principal values employed are X and Y and the main results are the new values of X and Y.  It also uses V and W and modifies V at each performance.  Note that X, Y and V are initialised with the values provided by the Prelude.  In order to use the same keys again, the initial values of X, Y and V must be preserved, therefore they are denoted X0, Y0 and V0 and there is an initialising step X:= X0, Y:= Y0, V:= V0, after which the main loop is entered for the first time.  The 'coda', used after all message blocks have been processed by n cycles of the loop, is described in the next section.

The program is shown in columns to clarify its 'parallel' operation but it should be read in normal reading order, left to right on each line

           V:= CYC(V);            (21)
           E:= XOR(V,W);          (21)

X:= XOR(X,Mi);   Y:= XOR(Y,Mi);   (22)
F:= ADD(E,Y);    G:= ADD(E,X);    (23)
F:= OR(F,A);     G:= OR(G,B);     (23)
F:= AND(F,C);    G:= AND(G,D);    (23)
X:= MUL1(X,F);   Y:= MUL2A(Y,G)   (24)

The numbers A, B, C, D are constants which are, in hexadecimal notation:

  Constant A:   0204 0801
  Constant B:   0080 4021
  Constant C:   BFEF 7FDF
  Constant D:   7DFE FBFF

Lines (21) are common to both paths.  Line (22) introduces the message block Mi.  Lines (23) prepare the multipliers and line (24) generates new X and Y values.  Only X, Y and V are modified for use in the next cycle.  F and G are local variables.  Since the constant D has its most significant digit zero, G < 231 and this ensures that MUL2A in line (24) will give the correct result, a multiplication modulo 231 - 1.


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12  The Coda

After the last message block Mn has been processed, the main loop is performed with 'message block' S, then again with block T, i.e.

  Mn+1 = S, Mn+2 = T.

After this, the authenticator is calculated as Z = XOR(X,Y) and the algorithm is complete.  The values X0, Y0, V0, W, S and T should be retained in order to calculate further authenticator values without repeating the prelude (key calculation) until the keys are changed.


13  Mode of operation

ISO 8731-2 contains this mode of operation for messages longer than 1024 bytes.  The word 'segment' is used here to avoid confusion with the blocks Bi of 4 bytes.

Messages longer than 1024 bytes shall be divided into segments of 1024 bytes and chained as follows:
For the first segment of 1024 bytes the MAC (4 bytes) shall be formed.  The MAC value shall be prefixed to (but not transmitted in) the second segment and the resultant 1028 bytes authenticated.  This procedure shall continue, with the MAC of each segment prefixed to the next, until the last segment, which need not be of size 1024 bytes, and the final MAC shall be used as the transmitted MAC for the whole message.


14  Details of the Multiplication Functions

Recalling that X*Y produces the 64 bit product {U,L},

 If X,Y < 232-1, X*Y < 264-233 + 1
      Hence U < 232-2
      and L < 232-1, i.e. no restriction

1  In the calculation of MUL1(X,Y)
      232C + S = U + L < 233-3 from (1) and (2)

   If a carry occurs, C = 1 and S < 232-3
      Hence MUL1(X,Y) = S + C < 232-2 can produce no carry


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2  In the calculation of MUL2(X,Y)
      232E + D = 2U < 233-4 from (4) and (5)

   If a carry is produced, E = 1 and D < 232-4
      Hence F = D + 2E < 232-2 can produce no carry

   If no carry is produced F = 2U is even and less than 232
      Hence F < 232-2 in either case

   Also 232C + S = F + L < 233-3 from (7) and (8)

   If a carry is produced, C = 1 and S < 232-3
      Hence MUL2(X,Y) = S + 2C < 232-1 can produce no carry

3  In the calculation of MUL2A(X,Y) where X < 232-1, Y < 231-1
           X*Y < 263-232-231 + 1

      Hence U < 231-1, 2U < 232-2 can produce no carry
           232C + S = D + L = 2U + L < 233-3

   If a carry is produced, C = 1 and S < 232-3
      Hence MUL2A(X,Y) = S + 2C < 232-1 can produce no carry


15  Test Examples For Parts of the Algorithm

For most parts of the algorithm, simple test examples are given. The data used are not always realistic, i.e. they are not values which could be produced by earlier parts of the algorithm, and artificial values of constants are used.  This is done to keep the test cases so simple that they can be verified by a pencil and paper calculation and thus the verification of the algorithm's implementations does not consist of comparing one machine implementation with another.  The parts thus tested are:

BYT{X,Y} and PAT{X,Y}
Prelude, except the initial BYT{J,K} operation
Main loop

The Coda is not tested separately because it uses only the main loop and one XOR function.  For testing the whole algorithm, some results of test runs with the NPL implementation are given, but it would be difficult to test even the simplest case of the complete algorithm by pencil and paper calculation.


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16  Test Examples for MUL1, MUL2, MUL2A

It is suggested that the multiplication operations should be tested with very small numbers and very large numbers.  To represent a large number we use the ones complement.  Thus if a is a small number (say less than 4096) we use the notation ~a to mean its ones complement, i.e. 232 - 1 - a.  Examples for testing MUL1, MUL2 and MUL2A are given in Table 1.

For small numbers a and b, all three multiplication functions produce their true product a*b.  When large numbers are used the functions can give different results.  They should be tested both ways round, with MUL(x,y) and MUL(y,x) to verify that these are equal.


(1) Test cases for MUL1

In modulo 232 - 1 arithmetic ~a is effectively -a, therefore the results are very simple

MUL1(~a,b) = MUL1(a,~b) = ~(a*b)
MUL1(~a,~b) = a*b


(2) Test cases for MUL2

MUL2(~a,b) = ~(a*b - b + 1)
MUL2(a,~b) = ~(a*b - a + 1)
MUL2(~a,~b) = a*b - a - b + 1


(3) Test cases for MUL2A

This will give the same result as MUL2 when tested with numbers within its range.  For testing with large numbers, ~a and ~b - 231 must be used.

MUL2A(~a,b) = ~(a*b - b + 1)
MUL2A(a,~b) = ~(a*b - a + 1)
MUL2A(~a,~b-231) = 231(1 - p) + a*b + p - b - 1

where p is the parity of a; the value of its least significant bit.

That is, for even values of a the result is 231 + a*b - b - 1
         for odd values of a the result is a*b - b


- 14 -







 0000 000F 

 0000 000E 
 0000 000E

 0000 00D2 
 0000 00D2


 0000 000F

 0000 000E
 0000 000E

 0000 00D2
 0000 00B6


 0000 000F

 0000 000E
 0000 000E

 0000 00D2
 8000 00C2
 0000 00C4

Table 1  Test cases for Multiplication Functions (hexadecimal)


17  Test Examples for BYT{X,Y} and PAT{X,Y}

Three cases for testing these functions are listed in Table 2






 00 00 00 00 
 01 03 07 0F

 00 00 00 00 
 1F 3F 7F FF


 FF FF 00 FF
 FE FC 07 F0

 E0 C0 80 00


 AB 00 FF CD
 AB 01 FC CD

 FF EF 00 01
 F2 EF 35 01

Table 2  Test cases for the BYT and PAT Functions


- 15 -


18  Test Examples for the Prelude

An example is given in Table 3.  The initial BYT{J,K} operation is not tested.  We assume that the results from lines (14) are

J1 = 0000 0100,  K1 = 0000 0080,  P = 1,

J12  0001 0000   J22  0001 0000
J14  0000 0001   J24  0000 0002
J16  0001 0000   J26  0002 0000
J18  0000 0001   J28  0000 0004

          H4  0000 0003
          H6  0003 0000
          H8  0000 0005

K12  0000 4000   K22  0000 4000
K14  1000 0000   K24  1000 0000
K15  0000 0008   K25  0000 0010
K17  0002 0000   K27  0004 0000
K19  8000 0000   K29  0000 0002

          H0  0000 0018
          H5  0000 0060         (Q = 4)
          H7  0006 0000
          H9  8000 0002

{X0,Y0} 0103 0703 1D3B 7760      PAT{X0,Y0} EE
{V0,W}  0103 050B 1706 5DBB      PAT{V0,W}  BB
{S,T}   0103 0705 8039 7302      PAT{S,T}  E6

Table 3  Test cases for lines (15) - (20) of the Prelude


The PAT values obtained from conditioning the results of the prelude are quoted above for checking purposes but are not used in the algorithm.


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19  Test Examples for the Main Loop

In Table 4, three examples of single block messages are given, using small and large numbers.  There are two versions of Table 4, 4a in decimal and 4b in hexadecimal notation.  In the decimal table there is a convention that ~a is 232 - 1 - a.  In the third example there are two cases of large numbers which must have zero in the 32nd bit, shown as ~2 - 231 and ~3 - 231 respectively.  They could have been written 231 - 2 and 231 - 3 respectively.  In order to keep the numbers small, artificial values of the constants A, B, C and D are used.  Three single block examples are followed by a message of three blocks, in order to check that the implementation correctly retains the value of X, Y and W.  The final S and T cycles of the coda are not included in this table.


 Single block messages    Three-block message

 A   B 
 C   D
 V   W
 X0  Y0

 4   1 
~8  ~4
 3   3
 2   3 

 1   4 
~6  ~3
 3   3
~2  ~3 

 1   2 
~1  ~2*
 7   7
~2  ~3 

 2   1 
~4  ~4
 1   1
 1   2 

 2   1 
~4  ~4
 2   1
 3   2 

 2   1 
~4  ~4
 4   1
20   9 


 X   Y
 F   G
 F   G
 F   G
 X   Y

 7   6
11  12
15  13
 7   9
49  54

~3  ~2
 2   1
 3   5
 1   4
~3  ~5

~10 ~11
~2  ~1
~2  ~1
~3  ~3*
30  30

 1   2
 5   4
 7   5
 3   1
 3   2

 2   3
 8   7
10   7
10   3
20   9

22   11
20   31
22   31
18   27
396 297


                               * - 231


Table 4a  Test Cases for the Main Loop (decimal)


- 17 -


   Single block messages         Three-block message


4        1        1 
1        4        2 
3        3        7 
3        3        7 
5        1        8 

2        2        2 
1        1        1 
1        2        4 
1        1        1 
 1        3       14 
 2        2        9 
0        1        2 


6        6        E 
5        5        9 
B        2 FFFFFFFD 
C        1 FFFFFFFE 
F        3 FFFFFFFD 
D        5 FFFFFFFE 
7        1 FFFFFFFC 
9        4 7FFFFFFC 
31 FFFFFFFC       1E 
36 FFFFFFFA       1E 
7        6        0 

2        4        8 
3        5        9 
1        2       16 
2        3        B 
5        8       14 
4        7       1F 
7        A       16 
5        7       1F 
3        A       12 
1        3       1B 
3       14      18C 
2        9      129 
1       1D       A5 


Table 4b  Test Cases for the Main Loop (hexadecimal)


- 18 -


20  Test Examples for the Whole Algorithm

Using the NPL implementation of the algorithm, the four test examples with two block messages given in Table 5 were calculated.  For ease of checking, intermediate results are tabulated: the results of the prelude and the X and Y values after each operation of the main loop, that is for M1, M2, S and T.



 00FF 00FF 
 0000 0000
 4A64 5A01 
 50DE C930 
 5CCA 3239 
 5555 5555 
 48B2 04D6
 5834 A585
 4F99 8E01
 BE9F 0917
 51ED E9C7
 3449 25FC
 DB91 02B0
 24B6 6FB5
 277B 4B25
 D636 250D
 F14D 6E28

 00FF 00FF 
 0000 0000
 4A64 5A01 
 50DE C930 
 5CCA 3239 
 9DB1 5CF6
 5555 5555 
 270E EDAF
 B814 2629
 51ED E9C7
 2990 7CD8
 BA92 DB12
 24B6 6FB5
 28EA D8B3
 81D1 0CA3
 A93B D410

 5555 5555 
 5A35 D667
 34AC F886 
 7397 C9AE 
 7201 F4DC 
 2829 040B
 0000 0000 
 2FD7 6FFB
 550D 91CE
 A70F C148
 1D10 D8D3
 9E2E 7B36
 B1CC 1CC5
 29C1 485F
 1364 7149
 288F C786
 9115 A558
 B99A 62DE

 5555 5555 
 5A35 D667
 34AC F886 
 7397 C9AE 
 7201 F4DC 
 2829 040B
 0000 0000 
 CBC8 65BA
 0297 AF6F
 9E2E 7B36
 3CF3 A7D2
 160E E9B5
 1364 7149
 D048 2465
 7050 EC5E
 A018 C83B


Table 5  Test Cases for the Whole Algorithm


Note.  Table 5 of the original report contained an error in the first two columns of row S.  The values 51ED E967 (twice) should have been 51ED E9C7.


- 19 -


A further set of test cases for the whole algorithm is given in Table 6.  The J and K values were chosen to give long strings of zeros after conditioning.  The message consists of 20 blocks of zeros.  Intermediate values of X and Y are listed as well as the final authenticator value Z.

J = 8001 8001, K = 8001 8000
block     X           Y          Z      


 303F F4AA 
 55DD 063F
 51AF 3C1D
 A44A AAC0
 4D53 901A
 5F38 EEF1
 F023 9DD5
 EB35 B97F
 4DA1 24A1
 7F83 9576
 11A9 D254
 D880 4CA5
 3F6F 7248
 4CE9 33E1
 C1ED 90DD
 3CD5 4DEB
 BBA5 7835
 D784 3FDC
 5EBA 06C2
 1D9C 9655
 7BC1 80AB

 1277 A6D4 
 4C49 AAE0
 5BC0 2502
 63C7 0DBA
 2E80 AC30
 2A60 91AE
 3DD8 1AC6
 9372 CDC6
 C6B1 317E
 74B3 9176
 D786 34BC
 11AC 46B8
 33D5 A466
 C21A 1846
 CD95 9B46
 613F 8E2A
 07C7 2EAA
 6AD6 E8A4
 9189 6CFA
 98D1 CC75
 A0B8 7B77


      all message blocks are zeros

Table 6  Test case for a 20 block message


- 20 -


Data Flow

21  Diagram showing data flow


- 21 -


22  Implementation in 'C'

The 'C' program is written in the form of a series of functions or procedures with a main program designed to run the tests described above.  The larger functions described in the algorithm are implemented as functions or procedures, but the smaller ones, such as ADD, AND and CAR, are implemented in a single line of code.  Two versions of the mainloop are provided called 'mainloop1' which outputs intermediate values for checking, and 'mainloop2' which is designed for maximum speed.  The latter includes versions of mul1 and mul2a copied in full to avoid the time taken to call the functions.

'C' does not provide the carry bit from the addition of two unsigned values, but there are many ways of deriving it.  The method used was selected after speed trials.

The function mul32 employs shifts of 16 bits.  An alternative method is to employ a 'union' to access the halves of an unsigned long variable.  However with the Turbo and Zorland compilers this takes longer than the method shown.

Those wishing to use the functions or procedures will need to write their own main program to cope with input and output.

A time measurement option has been included although time measurement is not part of standard 'C' and involves accessing the operating system.  Inaccuracies of about a tenth of a second are likely, so measurements of short time intervals should be treated with reserve.  The method 'guesstime' has been chosen as it is likely to be portable.  It uses the one second clock in MS-DOS, and interpolates for fractions of a second.

The time measured for the main loop on IBM compatibles is approximately 1 millisec when compiled by the Turbo compiler and 1.1 millisec when compiled by the Zorland compiler.

Time measurement may need alternative methods when using compilers other than Turbo or Zorland, or operating systems other than MS-DOS.


- 22 -


/* MAA Message Authenticator Algorithm by D W Davies, NPL 1983.  */
/* Version in C by D O Clayden, NPL 1987.                        */
/* Copyright NPL 1987                                            */
/* Version MAA7C22 suitable for running all tests and timing.    */
/* Most printf statements are for test purposes only.            */
/* Mainloop time about 1 millisec excl input, on M24 and PC1512. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dos.h>

#define BIT31 0x80000000L 
#define FFFF  0xFFFFL 
unsigned long a,b,c,d,l,m,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,pat,sum,t4,t5,v0,x0,y0;

int menu1()
  int m;
  printf(" 1 Test small functions (Tables 1,2)\n");
  printf(" 2 Test prelude (Table 3)\n");
  printf(" 3 Test main (Table 4)\n");
  printf(" 4 Test prelude + main + coda (Table 5)\n");
  printf(" 5 Test and timing of repeated message blocks (Table 6)\n");
  printf(" 6 Quit to C \n");
} /* menu1 */

void mul32(a,b)
unsigned long a,b;
/* unsigned 64 bit product in u(upper) and l(lower) */
  unsigned long p1,p2,p3,sum;
} /* mul32 */


- 23 -


unsigned long mul1(a,b)
unsigned long a,b;
  unsigned long s,car;
  car=((u^l)&BIT31)? !(s&BIT31):(u&BIT31)!=0;
} /* mul1 */

unsigned long mul2(a,b)
unsigned long a,b;
  unsigned long d,f,s,car;
  d=u+u; car=(u&BIT31)!=0;
  car=((f^l)&BIT31)? !(s&BIT31):(f&BIT31)!=0;
} /* mul2 */

unsigned long mul2a(a,b)
unsigned long a,b;
  unsigned long d,s,car;
  car=((d^l)&BIT31)? !(s&BIT31):(d&BIT31)!=0;
} /* mul2a */

void byt(x,y)
unsigned long x,y;
  unsigned long p;
  int i,b[8];
  for (i=3; i>=0; i--) {
    b[i]=x&255; b[i+4]=y&255;
    x=x>>8; y=y>>8;
  for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
    if (b[i]==O) {p+=1; b[i]=p;} else if (b[i]==255) {p+=1; b[i]=255-p;}
  pat=p; x=0; y=0;
  for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
    x=(x<<8)+b[i]; y=(y<<8)+b[i+4];
  u=x; l=y;
} /* byt */


- 24 -


void prelude(x,y,test)
unsigned long x,y;
int test;
  unsigned long j1[10],j2[10],k1[10],k2[10],h[10];
  unsigned long p,q;
  j1[0]=u; k1[0]=l; p=pat;
  if (test>0) { 
    j1[0]=x; k1[0]=y;
    printf("Enter P (2 hex): \n");
  j1[2]=mul1(j1[0],j1[0]); j2[2]=mul2(j1[0],j1[0]);
  j1[4]=mul1(j1[2],j1[2]); j2[4]=mul2(j2[2],j2[2]);
  j1[6]=mul1(j1[2],j1[4]); j2[6]=mul2(j2[2],j2[4]);
  j1[8]=mul1(j1[2],j1[6]); j2[8]=mul2(j2[2],j2[6]);
  h[4]=j1[4]^j2[4]; h[6]=j1[6]^j2[6]; h[8]=j1[8]^j2[8];
  printf("H4= %lX \n",h[4]);
  printf("H6= %lX \n",h[6]);
  printf("H8= %lX \n",h[8]);

  k1[2]=mul1(k1[0],k1[0]); k2[2]=mul2(k1[0],k1[0]);
  k1[4]=mul1(k1[2],k1[2]); k2[4]=mul2(k2[2],k2[2]);
  k1[5]=mul1(k1[0],k1[4]); k2[5]=mul2(k1[0],k2[4]);
  k1[7]=mul1(k1[2],k1[5]); k2[7]=mul2(k2[2],k2[5]);
  k1[9]=mul1(k1[2],k1[7]); k2[9]=mul2(k2[2],k2[7]);
  h[0]=k1[5]^k2[5]; h[5]=mul2(h[0],q); h[7]=k1[7]^k2[7]: h[9]=k1[9]^k2[9];
  printf("H0= %lX \n",h[0]);
  printf("H5= %lX \n",h[5]);
  printf("H7= %lX \n",h[7]);
  printf("H9= %lX \n",h[9]);

  x0=u; y0=l;
  printf("X0= %lX",x0);
  printf("  Y0= %lX",y0);
  printf("  PAT= %lX \n",pat);

  v0=u; w=l;
  printf("V0= %lX",v0);
  printf("  W= %lX",w);
  printf("  PAT= %lX \n",pat);

  s=u; t=l;
  printf("S= %lX",s);
  printf("  T= %lX",t);
  printf("  PAT= %lX \n",pat);
} /* prelude */


- 25 -


void abcd()
  printf("A= %lX \n",a);
  printf("B= %lX \n",b);
  printf("C= %lX \n",c);
  printf("D= %1X \n",d);
} /* abcd */

void inmain()
  printf("Press 1 to enter A,B,C,D,V,W,X0,Y0,M ");
  printf("else <RET> for standard ABCD\n");
  if ((getch())=='1') {
    printf("Enter A (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&a);
    printf("Enter B (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&b);
    printf("~(8)=FFFFFFF7,~(4)=FFFFFFFB,~(6)=FFFFFFF9,~(3)=FFFFFFFC \n");
    printf("~(1)=FFFFFFFE,~(2*)=7FFFFFFD,~(2)=FFFFFFFD \n");
    printf("Enter C (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&c);
    printf("Enter D (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&d);
    printf("Enter V (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&v);
    printf("Enter W (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&w);
    printf("Enter X0 (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&x);
    printf("Enter Y0 (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&y);
    printf("Enter M (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&m);
} /* inmain */

void mainloop1(m)
unsigned long m;
  unsigned long e,f,g;
  printf("Results are in hexadecimal \n");
  v=(v&BIT31)? (v<<1)|1L:v<<1;                /* v=cyc(v); */
                 printf("V= %lX \n",v);
  e=v^w;         printf("E= %lX \n",e);
  x=x^m;         printf("X= %lX ",x);
  y=y^m;         printf("  Y= %lX \n",y);
  f=e+y;         printf("F= %lX ",f);
  g=e+x;         printf("  G= %lX \n",g);
  f=f|a;         printf("F= %lX ",f);
  g=g|b;         printf("  G= %lX \n",g);
  f=f&c;         printf("F= %lX ",f);
  g=g&d;         printf("  G= %lX \n",g);
  x=mul1(x,f);   printf("X= %lX ",x);
  y=mul2a(y,g);  printf("  Y= %lX \n",y);
} /* mainloop1 */


- 26 -


void mainloop2(m)
unsigned long m;
/* as mainloop1 without printf.  Mul1, mul2a copied to save time */
  unsigned long e,f,g,s;
  int car;
  v=(v&BIT31)? (v<<1)|1L:V<<1;          /* V=CYC(V); */
  x=x^m;   y=y^m; 
  f=e+y;   g=e+x; 
  f=f|a;   g=g|b; 
  f=f&c;   g=g&d;
                                        /* x=mul1(x,f); */
  car=((u^l)&BIT31)? !(s&BIT31):(u&BIT31)!=0;
  x=(car) ? S+1L:S;

                                        /* y=mul2a(y,g); */
  car=((g^l)&BIT31)? !(s&BIT31):(g&BIT31)!=0;
  y=(car)? s+2L:s;
} /* mainloop2 */

/* NOTE. Time measurement is not standard C, hence may not be portable. */
/* Guesstime + fracsec uses the 1 second clock of MS-DOS.               */
/* Works with Turbo and Zorland compilers.                              */

signed long fracsec()
  unsigned long i;
  i=0; t5=time(NULL);
  do i++;           /* count while waiting for next second */
  while (time(NULL)==t5);
  return (i);
} /* fracsec */

float guesstime()
/* Uses fracsec and time (which counts whole seconds).           */
/* Probably most portable, may be least accurate if interrupted. */
/* OK for Turbo and Zorland versions 1 and 2.                    */
  unsigned long i,j,secs;
  i=fracsec(); secs=t5-t4-1; j=fracsec();
  if (i>j) i=j;
  return (secs+(j-i)/(float)j);
} /* guesstime */


- 27 -


  unsigned long i,t1,t2;
  long ti;
  int nn,ii,choice,disp,car;
  float tf;
  do {
    printf("Note all results (except time) are in hexadecimal \n");
    switch(choice) {
      case 1:{
        printf(" Enter X (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&x);
        printf(" Enter Y (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&y);
        printf("Sum= %lX",sum);
        car=((x^y)&BIT31) ? !(sum&BIT31):(x&BIT31)!=0;
        printf("  Carry= %X \n",car);
        printf("2*X= %lX",sum);
        printf("  Carry= %X\n",car);
        printf("Product= %lX\n",x*y);
        printf("mul32 upper= %lX",u);
        printf("  mul32 lower= %lX \n",l);
        printf("cyc= %lX\n",((x<<1)|((x&BIT31)>>31)));
        printf("mul1=  %lX\n",mul1(x,y));
        printf("mul2=  %lX\n",mul2(x,y));
        printf("mul2a= %lX\n",mul2a(x,y));
        printf("byt upper= %lX",u);
        printf("  byt lower= %lX\n",l);
        printf("pat= %X\n",pat);
      }; break;

      case 2:{
        printf(" Enter J1 (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&x);
        printf(" Enter K1 (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&y);
      }; break;

      case 3:{
        z=x^y; printf("Z= %lX\n",z);
      }; break;


- 28 -


      case 4:{
        printf(" Enter J (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&x);
        printf(" Enter K (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&y);
        x=x0; y=y0; v=v0; abcd();
        do {
          printf(" Enter M (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&m);
          printf("X= %lX",x); printf("  Y= %lX\n",y);
          printf("Press 1 for coda else <RET> for another message \n");
        } while ((getch())!='1');
        printf("X= %lX",x); printf("  Y= %lX\n",y);
        printf("X= %lX",x); printf("  Y= %lX\n",y);
        z=x^y; printf("Z= %lX\n",z);
      }; break;
      case 5:{
        printf(" Enter J (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&x);
        printf(" Enter K (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&y);
        x=x0; y=y0; v=v0; abcd();
        printf(" Enter M (8 hex): \n"); scanf("%lX",&m);
        printf(" Enter number of repeated message blocks: \n");
        printf(" Press 1 to display X,Y values ");
        printf("else RET to measure time\n");
        if (disp=='1') {
          for (ii=1; ii<=nn; ii++) {
            printf("X= %lX",x); printf("  Y= %lX\n",y);
          printf(" Press a key to proceed \n"); disp=getch();
        else {
          for (ii=1; ii<=nn; ii++) {mainloop2(m);}
          printf("Seconds in mainloop (guesstime)= %6.2f\n",tf); i=i;
          printf("Millisecs per message block= %6.2f\n",tf*1000.0/nn);
        printf("X= %lX",x); printf("  Y= %lX\n",y);
        printf("X= %lX",x); printf("  Y= %lX\n",y);
        printf("X= %lX",x); printf("  Y= %lX\n",y);
        z=x^y; printf("Z= %1X \n",z);
      }; break;
  } while (choice!=6);
} /* main */


- 29 -


23  Implementation in Basic

This version was originally developed on a BBC Model B micro, and also runs with the M-TEC BBCBASIC(86) interpreter [3] on IBM compatibles.  Both of these interpreters provide 32 bit arithmetic and boolean functions.

The function ADDU executes unsigned addition and also leaves the value of the carry bit in the variable CAR%.  It is designed to avoid causing overflow.  There are many different ways of programming unsigned addition, the choice being between using conditional statements or complicated boolean expressions.  The speed will depend upon the characteristics of the compiler or interpreter.  The method shown was the fastest found using M-TEC Basic.

Multiplication is performed by the procedure MUL32 (which uses MUL16) to produce a 64 bit unsigned product in U% and L%.

In the Prelude, the J values, K values and H values are stored in individual variables although they could equally well be stored in arrays.


- 30 -


  20 REM Message Authenticator Algorithm by D W Davies 1983
  30 REM Version in 32 bit Basic for signed arithmetic by D O Clayden 1987
  40 REM Copyright NPL 1987
  50 REM Works correctly on BBC Model B
  60 REM and in MTEC BBCBASIC(86) on IBM compatible PCs
  70 :
  80 DIM ABYT%(8)
  90 VDU15
 100 G4%=&40000000: G8%=&80000000: G3F%=&3FFFFFFF: REM GLOBAL CONSTANTS
 120 ON FNMENU1 GOTO140,320,360,400,530,680
 130 :
 140 PROCFETCH("X","Y",8)
 150 SUM%=FNADDU(X%,Y%)
 160 PRINT"SUM= ";~SUM%
 180 PROCMUL32(X%,Y%)
 190 PRINT"MUL32 UPPER= ";~U%;" LOWER= ";~L%
 200 PROD%=FNMUL1(X%,Y%)
 210 PRINT"MUL1= ";~PROD%
 220 PROD%=FNMUL2(X%,Y%)
 230 PRINT"MUL2= ";~PROD%
 240 PROD%=FNMUL2A(X%,Y%)
 250 PRINT"MUL2A= ";~PROD%
 260 PROCBYT(X%,Y%)
 270 PRINT"BYT UPPER= ";~U%;" LOWER= ";~L%;;" PAT= ";~PAT%
 280 PROD%=FNCYC(X%)
 290 PRINT"CYC= ";~PROD%
 300 GOTO120
 310 :
 320 PROCFETCH("J1","K1",8)
 340 GOTO120
 350 :
 370 PROCMAIN1(M%)
 380 GOTO120


- 31 -


 390 : 
 400 PROCFETCH("J","K",8) 
 410 PROCPRELUDE(X%,Y%,0) 
 420 X%=X0%: Y%=Y0%: V%=V0% 
 440 INPUT"MESSAGE (8HEX)",T$:M%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
 450 PROCMAIN2(M%) 
 460 INPUT"Press 1 for Coda and exit else RET for more message",I% 
 470 IF I%=0 THEN 440 
 480 PROCMAIN2(S%) 
 490 PROCMAIN2(T%) 
 500 Z%=X%EORY%:PRINT"Z=";~Z% 
 510 GOTO120 
 520 : 
 530 PROCFETCH("J","K",8) 
 540 PROCPRELUDE(X%,Y%,0) 
 550 X%=X0%: Y%=Y0%: V%=V0% 
 570 INPUT"MESSAGE (8HEX)",T$:M%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
 580 INPUT"Enter number of repeated message blocks",BLOCKS% 
 590 FOR NN%=1 TO BLOCKS% 
 600 PROCMAIN2(M%) 
 610 IF NN%MOD10=0 THEN INPUT"Press RET to continue":INPUTZ% 
 620 NEXT 
 630 PROCMAIN2(S%) 
 640 PROCMAIN2(T%) 
 650 Z%=X%EORY%:PRINT"Z=";~Z% 
 660 GOTO120 
 670 : 
 680 END 
 690 :


- 32 -


 690 :
 700 DEF FNADDU(X%,Y%)
 710 LOCALS%,T%
 720 S%=(X%ANDG3F%)+(Y%ANDG3F%)
 730 T%=X%EORY%
 770 IF CAR% THEN CAR%=1
 780 =S%
 790 :
 800 DEF FNMUL16(X%,Y%)
 810 LOCAL P1%,P2%
 820 IF (X%ANDY%AND&8000)=0 THEN =X%*Y%
 830 P1%=X%*(Y%AND&7FFF)
 840 P2%=(X%AND&7FFF)*&8000
 850 P1%=FNADDU(P1%,P2%)
 860 =FNADDU(P1%,&40000000)
 870 :
 880 DEF PROCMUL32(X%,Y%)
 890 LOCAL XU%,XL%,YU%,YL%,P1%,P2%,H8%,H10%,HF%,H7F%
 900 H8%=&8000: H10%=&10000: HF%=&FFFF: H7F%=&7FFF0000
 910 XU%=(X%ANDH7F%)DIVH10%
 920 IF X%<0 THEN XU%=XU%+H8%
 930 XL%=X%ANDHF%
 940 YU%=(Y%ANDH7F%)DIVH10%
 950 IF Y%<0 THEN YU%=YU%+H8%
 960 YL%=Y%ANDHF%
 970 L%=FNMUL16(XL%,YL%)
 980 P1%=FNMUL16(XL%,YU%)
 990 P2%=FNMUL16(XU%,YL%)
1000 P1%=FNADDU(P1%,P2%)
1010 U%=(P1%ANDH7F%)DIVH10%
1020 IF P1%<0 THEN U%=U%+H8%
1030 U%=U%+CAR%*H10%
1040 P1%=(P1%ANDHF%)*H8%
1050 P1%=FNADDU(P1%,P1%)
1060 L%=FNADDU(L%,P1%)
1070 U%=U%+CAR%
1080 P1%=FNMUL16(XU%,YU%)
1090 U%=FNADDU(U%,P1%)
1130 LOCAL N%
1140 PRINT'"Message Authenticator Menu"
1150 PRINT"1 Test small functions (Tables 1,2)"
1160 PRINT"2 Test Prelude (Table 3)"
1170 PRINT"3 Test Main (Table 4)"
1180 PRINT"4 Test Prelude+Main+Coda (Table 5)"
1190 PRINT"5 Test repeated message blocks (Table 6)"
1200 PRINT"6 Quit"
1210 INPUT"Select by number",N%
1220 IF (N%<1)OR(N%>6) THEN 1140
1230 =N%


- 33 -


1240 :
1260 LOCAL T$
1270 PRINTA$;" (";N%;"HEX)";:INPUTT$:X%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
1280 PRINTB$;" (";N%;"HEX)";:INPUTT$:Y%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
1300 :
1310 DEF FNMUL1(X%,Y%)
1320 LOCAL S%
1330 PROCMUL32(X%,Y%) 
1340 S%=FNADDU(U%,L%) 
1350 =FNADDU(S%,CAR%) 
1360 :
1370 DEF FNMUL2(X%,Y%) 
1380 LOCAL D%,F%,S%
1390 PROCMUL32(X%,Y%) 
1400 D%=FNADDU(U%,U%) 
1410 F%=FNADDU(D%,CAR%+CAR%) 
1420 S%=FNADDU(F%,L%)
1430 =FNADDU(S%,CAR%+CAR%) 
1440 :
1450 DEF FNMUL2A(X%,Y%) 
1460 LOCAL D%,S%
1470 PROCMUL32(X%,Y%) 
1480 D%=FNADDU(U%,U%) 
1490 S%=FNADDU(D%,L%) 
1500 =FNADDU(S%,CAR%+CAR%) 
1510 :
1520 DEF FNCYC(X%)
1530 =FNADDU(X%,X%)+CAR% 
1540 :
1550 DEF PROCBYT(X%,Y%) 
1560 LOCAL I%,P%
1570 FOR I%=3 TO 0 STEP-1
1580  ABYT%(I%)=X%AND&FF:ABYT%(I%+4)=Y%AND&FF
1590  IF X%>=0 THEN X%=X%DIV&100 ELSE X%=(X%AND&7FFFFFFF)DIV&100+&800000
1600  IF Y%>=0 THEN Y%=Y%DIV&100 ELSE Y%=(Y%AND&7FFFFFFF)DIV&100+&800000
1610 NEXT 
1620 P%=0 
1630 FOR I%=0 TO 7 
1640  P%=P%*2
1650  IF ABYT%(I%)=0 THEN P%=P%+1:ABYT%(I%)=P% ELSE
      IF ABYT%(I%)=&FF THEN P%=P%+1:ABYT%(I%)=&FF-P%
1660 NEXT
1670 PAT%=P%
1680 X%=0:Y%=0
1690 FOR I%=0 TO 3
1700  X%=X%*&80:X%=FNADDU(X%,X%)
1710  Y%=Y%*&80
1720  Y%=FNADDU(Y%,Y%)
1730  X%=X%+ABYT%(I%)
1740  Y%=Y%+ABYT%(I%+4)
1750 NEXT
1760 U%=X%:L%=Y%


- 34 -


1780 :
1800 LOCAL P%,Q%,J1%,J12%,J22%,J14%,J24%,J16%,J26%,J18%,J28%
1810 LOCAL K1%,K12%,K22%,K14%,K24%,K15%,K25%,K17%,K27%,K19%,K29% 
1820 LOCAL H0%,H4%,H5%,H6%,H7%,H8%,H9%
1830 PROCBYT(X%,Y%)
1840 J1%=U%: K1%=L%: P%=PAT% 
1850 PRINT"P=";~P%
1860 IF TEST% THEN J1%=X%:K1%=Y%:INPUT"P",P% 
1870 Q%=(1+P%)*(1+P%)
1880 J12%=FNMUL1(J1%,J1%) 
1890 J22%=FNMUL2(J1%,J1%) 
1900 J14%=FNMUL1(J12%,J12%) 
1910 J24%=FNMUL2(J22%,J22%) 
1920 J16%=FNMUL1(J12%,J14%) 
1930 J26%=FNMUL2(J22%,J24%) 
1940 J18%=FNMUL1(J12%,J16%) 
1950 J28%=FNMUL2(J22%,J26%) 
1960 H4%=J14%EORJ24% 
1970 H6%=J16%EORJ26% 
1980 H8%=J18%EORJ28% 
1990 PRINT"H4=";~H4% 
2000 PRINT"H6=";~H6% 
2010 PRINT"H8=";~H8% 
2020 K12%=FNMUL1(K1%,K1%) 
2030 K22%=FNMUL2(K1%,K1%) 
2040 K14%=FNMUL1(K12%,K12%) 
2050 K24%=FNMUL2(K22%,K22%) 
2060 K15%=FNMUL1(K1%,K14%) 
2070 K25%=FNMUL2(K1%,K24%) 
2080 K17%=FNMUL1(K12%,K15%) 
2090 K27%=FNMUL2(K22%,K25%) 
2100 K19%=FNMUL1(K12%,K17%) 
2110 K29%=FNMUL2(K22%,K27%) 
2120 H0%=K15%EORK25%
2130 H5%=FNMUL2(H0%,Q%) 
2140 H7%=K17%EORK27% 
2150 H9%=K19%EORK29% 
2160 PRINT"H0=";~H0% 
2170 PRINT"H5=";~H5% 
2180 PRINT"H7=";~H7% 
2190 PRINT"H9=";~H9% 
2200 PROCBYT(H4%,H5%) 
2210 X0%=U%:Y0%=L%
2220 PRINT"X0=";~X0%;" Y0=";~Y0%'"PAT=";~PAT% 
2230 PROCBYT(H6%,H7%)
2240 V0%=U%: W%=L%
2250 PRINT"V0=";~V0%;" W=";~W%'"PAT=";~PAT% 
2260 PROCBYT(H8%,H9%)
2270 S%=U%: T%=L%
2280 PRINT"S=";~S%;" T=";~T%'"PAT=";~PAT% 


- 35 -


2330 LOCAL T$
2340 INPUT"A (8HEX)",T$:A%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
2350 INPUT"B (8HEX)",T$:B%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
2360 INPUT"C (8HEX)",T$:C%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
2370 INPUT"D (8HEX)",T$:D%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
2380 INPUT"V (8HEX)",T$:V%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
2390 INPUT"W (8HEX)",T$:W%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
2400 INPUT"X (8HEX)",T$:X%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
2410 INPUT"Y (8HEX)",T$:Y%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
2420 INPUT"M (8HEX)",T$:M%=EVAL("&"+T$) 
2440 :
2460 A%=&02040801 
2470 B%=&00804021 
2480 C%=&BFEF7FDF 
2490 D%=&7DFEFBFF 
2510 :
2530 LOCAL E%,F%,G%,T0 
2540 T0=TIME
2550 V%=FNCYC(V%):PRINT"V=";~V% 
2560 E%=V%EORW%:PRINT"E=";~E%
2570 X%=X%EORM%:PRINT"X=";~X%; 
2580 Y%=Y%EORM%:PRINT" Y=";~Y% 
2590 F%=FNADDU(E%,Y%):PRINT"F=";~F%; 
2600 G%=FNADDU(E%,X%):PRINT" G=";~G% 
2610 F%=F%ORA%:PRINT"F=";~F%; 
2620 G%=G%ORB%:PRINT" G=";~G% 
2630 F%=F%ANDC%:PRINT"F=";~F%; 
2640 G%=G%ANDD%:PRINT" G=";~G% 
2650 X%=FNMUL1(X%,F%)
2660 Y%=FNMUL2A(Y%,G%)
2670 PRINT"Seconds inside Main= ";(TIME-T0)/100 
2680 PRINT"X=";~X%;" Y=";~Y%
2690 PRINT"X EOR Y=";~X%EORY% 
2710 :
2730 LOCAL E%,F%,G%,T0 
2740 T0=TIME
2750 V%=FNCYC(V%) 
2760 E%=V%EORW% 
2770 X%=X%EORM% 
2780 Y%=Y%EORM% 
2790 F%=FNADDU(E%,Y%) 
2800 G%=FNADDU(E%,X%) 
2810 F%=F%ORA% 
2820 G%=G%ORB% 
2830 F%=F%ANDC% 
2840 G%=G%ANDD% 
2850 X%=FNMUL1(X%,F%) 
2860 Y%=FNMUL2A(Y%,G%) 
2870 PRINT"Seconds inside Main= ";(TIME-T0)/100 
2880 PRINT"X=";~X%;" Y=";~Y%


- 36 -


24  References

[1]  A Message Authenticator Algorithm Suitable for a Main Frame Computer by D.W. Davies and D.O. Clayden.  NPL Report DITC 17/83, February 1983.

[2]  ISO 8731-2 Banking - Approved algorithms for message authentication - Part 2: Message authenticator algorithm.

[3]  BBCBASIC(86).  An interpreter for BBC Basic which runs on IBM compatibles under MS-DOS.  M-TEC Computer Services (UK), Ollands Road, Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4EL, UK.



This document is an update for the 1983 original: 'A Message Authenticator Algorithm Suitable for a Main Frame Computer' by D.W. Davies and D.O. Clayden, NPL Report DITC 17/83, February 1983.

NPL and the authors have kindly given permission for the document to be released into the Public Domain.

However, Donald Davies wishes to dissociate himself from the decision to process the message in 1024 byte blocks.  He believes this causes more problems than it solves.

David Claydon kindly volunteered the programs from his archive.  These can be found in file

The file maa.c is a 'C' version that compiles under Turbo C++ version 1.01.  It was derived from the program in the document.

There are some slight format differences between this document and the original.  These were felt necessary to improve readability of the original.  The first page of this document is a composite of the cover of the original and its page 3.

There seems to have been an error in the original text, relating to the variable H0 used in the prelude:

On page  9, in both references it was called: H'
On page 15, again it was called: H'
On page 24, the print string was: "Hd %1X \n"
On page 34, lines 1820, 2120, 2130 and 2160 it was called: HD%
On page 34, line 2160 the print string was: "HD="

This has been corrected in the document.  However, in the files received from David Clayden this error persists and has not been corrected.

Also, there is an 'i = i;' statement at the end of the 'C' version.  This seems to be redundant.  (end of 13th line up from the bottom of page 28)

Note: in the Basic version, '~' is used in a print statement to produce hexadecimal output.


Don Coppersmith [no reference available] and Bart Preneel have made some progress.  See: twomacs.pdf.

Reproduction Details:

The document was scanned and OCR'ed.  However, the original was typed on a machine that did not distinguish between 'O' and '0' as well as '1' and 'l'.  So, despite thorough checking, there may be problems.

The WP used was Word running under Windows 98.  To produce postscript, the Apple Laserwriter driver was used.  Finally Adobe Distiller was used to produce the .PDF version.

Although the original was done on A4 paper (8.27" by 11.69") there should be enough space at the bottom for it to be printed on the US Letter size paper (8.5" by 11").

Comments welcome:  Keith

Back to home page MAA,MDC,hash,message authenticator,message digest, czczcz,cryptographic hash,ISO 8731-2,Donald Davies, David Clayden