Infocom Extras Page

Hitchhiker's GuideYou can play Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy online (Java enabled browser required) by following this link. Alternatively download the game file from the Douglas Adams website.

Win CEFollow this link to download FrotzCE and play the Infocom classics on your Windows CE machine.

The Infocom Extras Disk includes the following interpreters, utilities and shareware games:

If you need a copy of Winzip to unpack the files on the Extras Disk follow this link to download the latest version.

Infocom Extras Disk

inclusive of  p. & p.

FrotzS5 V1.7

Series 5

Series 7

The Frotz Intepreter for the Series 5, 5mx, Series 7, Revo, Revo Plus and Netbook.

FrotzS5 allows you to play any of the Infocom games (except Journey, Arthur and Zork Zero which are graphics based) on any Epoc32 based handheld computer.






Pilot-Frotz is a Palm III and Pilot adventure interpreter for Infocom and Inform games. It features correct font displays and timed input. You will need some Infocom / Inform files to convert into a PDB format using the convertor in the Pilot-Frotz package. The source code for the converter is also in this package.

The Infozip Interpreter for the Psion Series 3, 3a, 3c and 3mx.

Infozip allows you to play any of the Infocom games (except Journey, Arthur and Zork Zero which are graphics based) on the Psion Series 3 range of handheld computers. 

Infostat displays the word count, vocabulary and object tree (similar to the Dos based Infodump) on your Series 3.

Infozip & Infostat V1.13

Series 3mx
Series 3c


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