Results for OD Midland Championships, Bentley Woods, 26/03/2017

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Rugby Urban Event

5.30pm Sunday results uploaded and links to Winsplits and Splitsbrowser added by 5.50pm.

Midland Championships Winner marked by asterisk in Class results. See also midlands.pdf for leading three in each class. [Note, "eligibility for the Midland Championships is defined by the Association they are a member of"].

Championship times
Class results
Course results
Course splits
Fastest splits by course or by class
Winsplits on-line.

Downloadable file of splits in sportIdent format suitable for RouteGadget and Splitsbrowser
comma separated by course
semi-colon separated by course
comma separated by class
semi-colon separated by class.

Downloadable file of splits in sportIdent format suitable for Winsplits, etc
comma separated by course
semi-colon separated by course
comma separated by class
semi-colon separated by class.

Class Results
M10A M10B W10A W10B
M12A M12B W12A W12B
M14A M14B W14A W14B
M16A M16B W16A W16B
M18E M18L M18S W18E W18L W18S
M20E M20L M20S W20E W20L W20S
M21E M21L M21S M21V W21E W21L W21S W21V
M35L M35S W35L W35S
M40L M40S W40L W40S
M45L M45S W45L W45S
M50L M50S W50L W50S
M55L M55S W55L W55S
M60L M60S W60L W60S
M65L M65S W65L W65S
M70L M70S W70L W70S
M75L M75S W75
M80 W80
M85 W85
M90 W90
Light Green

Course splits
Course 1A M21E M20E M18E
Course 1B W21E W20E W18E
Course 2 M35L M40L M21L
Course 3 M45L M50L
Course 4 M55L M18L M20L W21L M21S
Course 5 M60L M16A
Course 6 W35L W40L M35S M40S Blue
Course 7 M65L M45S M21V W45L W50L
Course 8 M70L M50S M55S M20S M18S W55L W21S W20L W18L W16A
Course 9 M75L M60S W60L W35S Green
Course 10 M65S W65L W70L W40S W45S W50S
Course 11 M80 M70S W75 W20S W18S W21V W55S W60S
Course 12 M85 M90 M75S W80 W65S W70S
Course 13 W85 W90
Course 14 M14A M16B
Course 15 W14A W16B LtGrn
Course 16 M12A M14B W12A W14B Ornge
Course 17 M10A M12B W10A W12B Yellw
Course 18 M10B W10B White

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