Results for CSC/CST Final 2016, Sheffield, 16/10/2016
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4pm Sunday results uploaded. Links to Winsplits and Splitsbrowser added at 6.10pm.
CSC/CST team points
Results with Cup and Trophy listed seperately. Counters for club have their points in bold.
course results
course splits
fastest splits
Winsplits Online.
Splitsbrowser (graph).
Splitsbrowser (VB).
Downloadable files of splits in sportIdent format suitable for Winsplits
CSV (comma separated) or TXT (semi-colon separated).
Downloadable files of splits in sportIdent format suitable for SportsBrowser and RouteGadget
CSV (comma separated) or TXT (semi-colon separated).
Organised by SYO
Results software provided by MERCS