NOC EM Urban League
Nottingham University and Highfields Park
Sunday 24th November 2019
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Results published 9.45am Monday. I am sorry for the delay in publishing results.
As many of you will know, two controls were put out in the wrong place: code/label 47 at the site for 64 and code/label 64 at the site for 47. The control site labels were corrected at about 11:30. I analysed the results with and without timeouts around these sites and, taking into account who might have been affected, the planner and controller agreed that (a) Course 1 has no voided controls, Course 2 has control 18 voided with timeout 17-18 and 18-19, Course 3 and 5 both have control 13 voided and timeout 12-13 and 13-14.
Class results
Course splits
Fastest splits by course or by class
Winsplits on-line.
EM Urban League 2019.
Downloadable file of splits in sportIdent format suitable for RouteGadget and Splitsbrowser
comma separated by course, semi-colon separated by course
comma separated by class, semi-colon separated by class.
Downloadable file of splits in sportIdent format suitable for Winsplits
comma separated by course, semi-colon separated by course
comma separated by class, semi-colon separated by class.
Class Results
Men Open (MO) | |||||||
M40+ (MV) | |||||||
M55+ (MSV) | |||||||
M65+ (MUV) | |||||||
M16- (MJ) | |||||||
M12- (MYJ) | |||||||
Women Open (WO) | |||||||
W40+ (WV) | |||||||
W55+ (WSV) | |||||||
W65+ (WUV) | |||||||
W16- (WJ) | |||||||
W12- (WYJ) |
Course 1 | MO |
Course 2 | MV WO |
Course 3 | MSV WV |
Course 4 | MUV WSV |
Course 5 | WUV |
Course 6 | MJ WJ |
Course 7 | MYJ WYJ |
Results service provided by MERCS.