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Python Markdown: Bitcoin


This example retrieves the current bitcoin price from CoinDesk and produces a simple markdown.

⏲ This should take 15 minutes to complete.

Code and Result

Save the following code as Then run:


Where the output is written to

from t_python_markdown import Document, Header, Paragraph, Sentence, Bold, Table, UnorderedList
import time
import requests

j = requests.get("").json()
bpi = j["bpi"]

front_matter = {
    "title": j["chartName"],
    "authors": ["A.U.Thor"],
    "date": time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime()),

doc = Document(front_matter)
doc >> Header(j["chartName"], 1)
doc >> Paragraph([j["disclaimer"]])
al = [("--:" if isinstance(_, (int, float)) else ":-:" if _.startswith("&") else ":--") for _ in bpi[list(bpi.keys())[0]].values()]
t = Table([_.replace("_", " ").title() for _ in bpi[list(bpi.keys())[0]].keys()], alignment=al)
doc >> t
ul = UnorderedList()
doc >> Paragraph(["Bitcoin Price Index"])
doc >> ul

for k, v in bpi.items():
  t >> [_ for _ in bpi[k].values()]
  ul >> Sentence([Bold(k), bpi[k]["description"]])

# Write markdown to file
title: Bitcoin
- A.U.Thor
date: '2023-02-25T14:17:02Z'

# Bitcoin

This data was produced from the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (USD). Non-USD currency data converted using hourly conversion rate from

| **Code** | **Symbol** | **Rate** | **Description** | **Rate Float** |
| :-- | :-: | :-- | :-- | --: |
| USD | $ | 23,007.6135 | United States Dollar | 23007.6135 |
| GBP | £ | 19,224.9778 | British Pound Sterling | 19224.9778 |
| EUR | € | 22,412.7746 | Euro | 22412.7746 |

Bitcoin Price Index

- **USD** United States Dollar.
- **GBP** British Pound Sterling.
- **EUR** Euro.