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t-python-markdown is a simple to use markdown generator for Python available through PyPI.


Install t-python-markdown using pip as follows:

pip install t-python-markdown


Creating a Document

To create a markdown document, simply create a root object and then add other "child" objects to it. Most objects allow further child objects to be added. For example, adding a string to a Paragraph, simply extends that paragraph.

To add a child to a parent use the >> directive where the left object is the parent and the right object the child. This is declaring that the right object is the parent of the left object.

For example, adding a paragraph to a document would look as follows:


All child objects can only have one parent. As such, you cannot, for example, create a CodeBlock and then add it to a second object or a second time to the first object. This means that the following code will fail at line 4:

doc = Document()
cb = CodeBlock("ls\nfind / -name")
doc >> cb
doc >> cb

Writing Output to a File

All objects support write({file}) and can be used to write an objects markdown, including its children, to a file.

doc = Document()

Markdown as a String

All objects support output as a property to extract the markdown as a string. Alternatively, use the str() function to return a string version of the object.

doc = Document()
doc >> Header("A Header")
md = doc.output
doc = Document()
doc >> Header("A Header")
md = str(doc)

Adding Inline HTML

Inline HTML

Markdown is not a replacement for HTML, or even close to it. Its syntax is very small, corresponding only to a very small subset of HTML tags. The idea is not to create a syntax that makes it easier to insert HTML tags. In my opinion, HTML tags are already easy to insert. The idea for Markdown is to make it easy to read, write, and edit prose. HTML is a publishing format; Markdown is a writing format. Thus, Markdown’s formatting syntax only addresses issues that can be conveyed in plain text.

For any markup that is not covered by Markdown’s syntax, you simply use HTML itself. There’s no need to preface it or delimit it to indicate that you’re switching from Markdown to HTML; you just use the tags.

It is possible to simply add text directly to any object to supplement any output requirements you may have. For example, use the following to add a div:

doc = Document()
t = Table(["Id", "Description"], alignment=[":--"])
t >> ["1", "One"]
t >> ["2", "Two"]
doc >> '<div class="my-class">'
doc >> t
doc >> '</div>'
<div class="my-class">
| **Id** | **Description** |
| :-- | :-- |
| 1 | One |
| 2 | Two |

Ensure that you include any required carriage returns required for block-level HTML elements. See Inline HTML for details

Markdown Objects

Blank lines included in the output are represented by the symbol


Document takes one optional argument, front matter, a dictionary, and is output as YAML.

front_matter = {"title": "A Title", "hide": ["navigation"]}
doc = Document(front_matter)
title: A Title
- navigation
  • front_matter= Front-matter (optional)

Header takes two arguments, a title and a level. The level relates to the header tags <h1> - <h6>.

header = Header("Header Title", 2)
doc >> header
## Header Title
  • title= Header title
  • level= Header level (default=1)


Paragraph takes a list of sentences. A sentence could be a simple string or a Sentence (see below).

p = Paragraph(["A sentence.", Sentence(["The quick", "brown fox"])])
doc >> p
A sentence. The quick brown fox.
  • o= Markdown object or objects (optional)


Sentence takes three arguments, an array of strings or other markdown objects, a separator (defaults to space) and an end character (defaults to a full stop).

s = Sentence(["The quick", "brown fox"], end="!")
doc >> s
The quick brown fox!
  • o= Markdown object or objects (optional)
  • separator= String to use between each sentence (default=" ")
  • end= String to append to the sentence (default=".")

Horizontal Rule

HorizontalRule takes no arguments and produces a --- in the output.

hr = HorizontalRule()
doc >> hr


Link takes three arguments, a title, a url and an optional alternate title.

l = Link("Title", "http://localhost/")
doc >> l
[Title](http://localhost/ "Title")
  • title= Link title
  • url= Link URL
  • alt_title= Alternate title. If not provided, will set to "title" (optional)


Image takes two arguments, a title and a url (path to image).

i = Image("Picture", "/images/nice_piccie.png")
doc >> i
![Picture](/images/nice_piccie.png "Picture")
  • title= Link title
  • url= Link URL


Bold takes one argument, the text to be bolded.

bt = Bold("Bold Text")
doc >> bt
**Bold Text**
  • o= Text or markdown object


Italic takes one argument, the text to be italicised.

it = Italic("Italic Text")
doc >> it
*Italic Text*
  • o= Text or markdown object


BoldItalic takes one argument, the text to be bolded and italicised.

bit = BoldItalic("Bold/Italic Text")
doc >> bit
***Bold/Italic Text***
  • o= Text or markdown object


Strikethrough takes one argument, the text to strikethrough.

st = Strikethrough("Strikethrough Text")
doc >> st
~~Strikethrough Text~~
  • o= Text or markdown object


Code takes one argument, the text to be output as code.

c = Code("find / -name")
doc >> c
`find / -name`
  • o= Text or markdown object

Code Block

CodeBlock takes one argument, the text to output as code in a block.

cb = CodeBlock("ls\nfind / -name")
doc >> cb
find / -name
  • o= Text or markdown object

Unordered List

UnorderedList takes one optional argument, a list of items. Further items can be added to the resultant object.

ul = UnorderedList()
ul >> "List entry 1"
ul >> "List entry 2"
doc >> ul


ul = UnorderedList(["List entry 1", "List entry 2"])
doc >> ul
- List entry 1
- List entry 2
  • o= List of text or markdown objects

Ordered List

OrderedList takes one optional argument, a list of items. Further items can be added to the resultant object.

ol = OrderedList()
ol >> "List entry 1"
ol >> "List entry 2"
doc >> ol


ol = OrderedList(["List entry 1", "List entry 2"])
doc >> ol
1. List entry 1
1. List entry 2
  • o= List of text or markdown objects


Table takes two arguments, a list of column headers and a list of column alignments. The resultant object is then used to add rows, each row being a list of columns. The number of column alignments is adjusted to match the number of columns. If the number of alignments is too small, the last alignment is repeated to fill the missing ones. If no alignment is provided, it defaults to centred (":-:").

t = Table(["Id", "Description"], alignment=[":--"])
t >> ["1", "One"]
t >> ["2", "Two"]
doc >> t
| **Id** | **Description** |
| :-- | :-- |
| 1 | One |
| 2 | Two |
  • heading= Array of column headers
  • alignment= Array of column alignments

Embedding Tables and Lists

Embedding requires the Markdown package to be installed prior to use.

Since 1.3.0 it is possible to easily embed tables in both lists and other tables as follows:

t = Table(["Id", "Description"], alignment=["--:"])
t >> ["1", "One"]
t >> ["2", UnorderedList(["Item a", "Item b"])]
ul = UnorderedList(["Item 1", t, "Item 3"])
doc >> ul

resulting in:

  • Item 1
  • IdDescription
    • Item a
    • Item b
  • Item 3

The following is a slightly more complex example showing multiple embedded lists and tables:

from t_python_markdown import Document, Table, UnorderedList

def add_row(parent, count=1):
  t = Table(["Key", "Value"])
  t >> ["Hello", "World"]
  parent >> [f"Table {count}", UnorderedList([t])]
  if count < 4:
    add_row(t, count + 1)

doc = Document()
t = Table(["Key", "Value"])
doc >> t

which results in:

Key Value
Table 1
  • KeyValue
    Table 2
    • KeyValue
      Table 3
      • KeyValue
        Table 4
        • KeyValue